Letter Boxed December 18, 2023 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed December 18, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


50 thoughts on “Letter Boxed December 18, 2023 Answers”

    Almost immediately. I expect there will be lots of possible 2 word solutions since there is the potential to use “multi”, “ment”, and “ing” for words.

        1. MULTILANE — EXTRAVAGANT too. For a second there it looked liked I wouldn’t get something to go with ‘extravagant’! Phew!

          1. More Mulie Extravagant here (vottever dot means). Also Exigent Triumviral, perhaps in the run-up to a good bout of Exiling, and Triumvirate Exalting / Exulting, perhaps in the aftermath.

    1. MULGA – ANTIVAXER for me too. Definitely trial and error, but happily accepted, considering the OA. 🙄

      Looked forever for a match with EXTRAVAGANT, especially with MULTI- so obviously left over, but just couldn’t close the deal. Kudos to those who found a solution, as well as VIGILANTE solvers, another one I was stuck on forever!

  2. I typically wake up to discover that someone has already reported my solution, but, to quote Aragorn, “It is not this day!” MULTILINE – EXTRAVAGANT. Yes, I know; small difference.


    1. DW, thanks for this EXTRAVAGANT TRIUMVIRAL:
      Merlin, (White breasted) Nigrita, (Summer) Tanger

      “Lady hawks” of olden time,
      White of breast in humid clime,
      Purest red, summer’s sublime.

    2. So funny that this was my same experience except of course the crushing reveal here near the bottom that someone had already found my variation. Was doubly disappointed that “multiextravagant“ is not a thing. I certainly have known a few people i might have described that way

  3. Got EXILING but no 2w answer, lots of 3w’ers, and many good words missing one letter for 2w. VALUE EMERGENT TIX, VINTAGE EXULT TERM, AXE EMULATE ENGRAVING, VALUATE EXILING GERM, etc.

  4. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 17 eigenvalue / extreme
    2 – 18 eigenvalue / extremum
    3 – 17 exigent / triumviral
    4 – 21 extravagant / triumviral
    5 – 17 extreme / eigenvalue
    6 – 16 integral / lixivium
    7 – 18 invigilate / extremum
    8 – 16 mulie / extravagant
    9 – 14 mulga / antivaxer
    10 – 16 mulgara / antivaxer
    11 – 20 multilane / extravagant
    12 – 19 triumvirate / exalting
    13 – 18 triumvirate / exiling
    14 – 19 triumvirate / exulting
    15 – 16 vigilant / trumeaux
    16 – 17 vigilante / extremum
    17 – 16 lixivium / mentagra
    18 – 20 multigene / extravagant
    19 – 20 multiline / extravagant
    20 – 17 murlie / extravagant
    21 – 16 regental / lixivium

    22 – 19 agentival* / luxmeter*
    23 – 21 alumnae / extravagating*
    24 – 17 antiglare / exuvium*
    25 – 17 argental* / lixivium
    26 – 19 eigenvalue / extremer*
    27 – 21 emulate / extravagating*
    28 – 21 emulge* / extravagating*
    29 – 19 exigeant* / triumviral
    30 – 23 extravagant / tremulating*
    31 – 21 extravagate* / emulating
    32 – 21 extravagate* / emulging*
    33 – 20 extravagate* / emuling*
    34 – 20 extravagating* / glaum*
    35 – 18 extravagating* / glum
    36 – 19 extravagating* / glume
    37 – 18 extreme / envaulting*
    38 – 19 exuvium* / multirange*
    39 – 17 galivant* / trumeaux
    40 – 18 generalate / exuvium*
    41 – 18 genitival / luxmeter*
    42 – 17 gingival / luxmeter*
    43 – 19 glume / extravagating*
    44 – 17 granulate / exuvium*
    45 – 17 granulite / exuvium*
    46 – 19 lixivium / multirange*
    47 – 17 luxmeter* / ravaging
    48 – 15 luxmeter* / raving
    49 – 18 luxmeter* / ravining*
    50 – 16 luxmeter* / reaving
    51 – 17 luxmeter* / rivaling
    52 – 19 mulie / extravagating*
    53 – 23 multiengine* / extravagant
    54 – 24 multiengine* / extravagate*
    55 – 26 multiengine* / extravagating*
    56 – 21 multigene / extravagate*
    57 – 23 multigene / extravagating*
    58 – 21 multilane / extravagate*
    59 – 23 multilane / extravagating*
    60 – 21 multiline / extravagate*
    61 – 23 multiline / extravagating*
    62 – 22 multirange* / extravagant
    63 – 23 multirange* / extravagate*
    64 – 25 multirange* / extravagating*
    65 – 19 multirange* / exuvium*
    66 – 24 tremulate* / extravagating*
    67 – 20 unextreme* / eigenvalue
    68 – 21 unextreme* / envaulting*
    69 – 16 vaginal / luxmeter*
    70 – 17 vaginulae* / extreme
    71 – 19 vaginulae* / extremer*
    72 – 18 vaginulae* / extremum
    73 – 17 virginal / luxmeter*

  5. Super annoyed I didn’t see MULTI- as a possibility as I got EXTRAVAGANT early and was flummoxed with the remaining letters.

  6. At least other people found solutions with my wordlist :’)


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