Letter Boxed December 17, 2023 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed December 17, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


72 thoughts on “Letter Boxed December 17, 2023 Answers”

    1. Glad there are a couple of others who think like me. I was starting to wonder if I’m just odd because I’m Australian 🙂

    Sometimes, you can just make up things, and it turns out that they are things. And then you look up the definitions for the things you made up and think, “yeah, that seems about right”.

    1. Same here; feast or famine lately. Today I easily got three 2w answers: SWORDFISH HAMPER, MAPS SWORDFISHES, and AMPS SWORDFISHES.

  2. FOREWORD – DAMPISH. I love all the swordfish and foreshadow solutions, great finds! Spent a while trying to make a two-worder with SHEPHERD(S), suspecting there was something Xmas-seasonal at work.

  3. SWORDFISH HAMPER seems more obvious than FORESHADOW WIMP and Victor and others posted before noon.

    To get the E in, pluralize and AMPS SWORDFISHES works too!

    It took a while. I saved some three and four word solutions, came back to review them later and found it there. Would have loved to do something with shrimp but it didn’t work out for me.

  5. SWORDFISHES – SPAM first and then dove back in and came up with FORESHADOW – WIMP. Satisfying configuration, for how limiting it is.

  6. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 15 amps / swordfishes
    2 – 16 amperes / swordfish
    3 – 18 amperes / swordfishes
    4 – 16 damps / swordfishes
    5 – 15 fewer / rhapsodism
    6 – 16 fewer / rhapsodisms
    7 – 16 firepower / rodhams
    8 – 19 firepower / rhapsodism
    9 – 20 firepower / rhapsodisms
    10 – 17 foreheads / swampier
    11 – 14 foreshadow / wimp
    12 – 15 foreshadow / wimps
    13 – 17 foreshadow / wimpish
    14 – 17 foreshadow / wimpier
    15 – 17 foreshadows / shrimp
    16 – 18 foreshadows / shrimps
    17 – 19 foreshadows / shrimper
    18 – 15 foreshadows / simp
    19 – 16 foreshadows / simps
    20 – 17 foreshadows / simper
    21 – 19 foreshadows / swampier
    22 – 15 foreword / dampish
    23 – 18 frowsier / rhapsodism
    24 – 19 frowsier / rhapsodisms
    25 – 17 hawsepipes / serfdom
    26 – 16 heirdoms / spaewife
    27 – 19 madrepores / swordfish
    28 – 21 madrepores / swordfishes
    29 – 15 maps / swordfishes
    30 – 18 mapepires / swordfish
    31 – 20 mapepires / swordfishes
    32 – 18 mishaps / swordfishes
    33 – 17 mopheads / swordfish
    34 – 19 mopheads / swordfishes
    35 – 17 pamperos / swordfish
    36 – 19 pamperos / swordfishes
    37 – 17 performs / shadowier
    38 – 17 pisiforms / shadower
    39 – 18 pisiforms / shadowier
    40 – 19 popadoms / swordfishes
    41 – 16 preamps / swordfish
    42 – 18 preamps / swordfishes
    43 – 17 preforms / shadowier
    44 – 17 proforms / shadowier
    45 – 15 rodhams / spaewife
    46 – 18 shadowier / reperform
    47 – 19 shadowier / reperforms
    48 – 16 spams / swordfishes
    49 – 17 swamps / swordfishes
    50 – 15 swordfish / hamper
    51 – 22 swordfish / hermaphrodism
    52 – 15 swordfishes / spam
    53 – 16 swordfishes / spams
    54 – 16 swordfishes / swamp
    55 – 17 swordfishes / swamps
    56 – 18 swordfishes / swamper
    57 – 19 swordfishes / swampier
    58 – 15 wafer / rhapsodism
    59 – 16 wafer / rhapsodisms
    60 – 20 waifish / hermaphrodism
    61 – 19 wifish / hermaphrodism
    62 – 20 wifeish / hermaphrodism
    63 – 18 wormfish / hesperidia
    64 – 21 wormfish / hermaphrodism
    65 – 18 wormfishes / soapdish
    66 – 20 wormfishes / soapdishes
    67 – 14 wormfishes / spad
    68 – 15 wormfishes / spads
    69 – 16 wormfishes / spread
    70 – 17 wormfishes / spreads
    71 – 20 hermaphrodism / midwife
    72 – 21 hermaphrodism / midwifes
    73 – 16 fireworm / mopheads
    74 – 17 fireworms / soapdish
    75 – 19 fireworms / soapdishes
    76 – 14 mapes / swordfish
    77 – 16 mapes / swordfishes
    78 – 17 misperforms / shadow
    79 – 18 misperforms / shadows
    80 – 19 misperforms / shadower
    81 – 20 misperforms / shadowier
    82 – 19 pamperdoms / swordfish
    83 – 21 pamperdoms / swordfishes
    84 – 16 pampres / swordfish
    85 – 18 pampres / swordfishes
    86 – 17 preshadow / wormfish
    87 – 19 preshadow / wormfishes
    88 – 15 propham / midwifes
    89 – 19 prophams / swordfishes
    90 – 18 piriformis / shadower
    91 – 19 piriformis / shadowier
    92 – 19 reperforms / shadowier
    93 – 17 rhapsodism / midwife
    94 – 18 rhapsodism / midwifes
    95 – 19 rhapsodisms / spaewife
    96 – 22 rhapsodisms / swordfishes

    97 – 18 apisms* / swordfishes
    98 – 22 diapirisms* / swordfishes
    99 – 17 dimorphs* / seawife*
    100 – 17 dimorphs* / spaewife
    101 – 20 fireworms / sphaeridia*
    102 – 18 fishworm* / madrepore
    103 – 19 fishworm* / madrepores
    104 – 16 fishworm* / mophead
    105 – 17 fishworm* / mopheads
    106 – 16 fishworms* / sepad*
    107 – 17 fishworms* / sepads*
    108 – 20 fishworms* / soapdishes
    109 – 18 fishworms* / spadoes*
    110 – 21 fishworms* / sphaeridia*
    111 – 16 fishworms* / spread
    112 – 17 fishworms* / spreads
    113 – 16 fordoes / swampish*
    114 – 18 foreheads / swampish*
    115 – 19 forereads* / swampish*
    116 – 18 foreshadow / wampish*
    117 – 20 foreshadow / wampishes*
    118 – 21 foreshadower* / reimpose
    119 – 22 foreshadower* / reimposes
    120 – 20 foreshadower* / rompish
    121 – 21 foreshadows / shrimpier*
    122 – 18 foreshadows / simpai*
    123 – 19 foreshadows / simpais*
    124 – 20 foreshadows / simperer*
    125 – 20 foreshadows / sopherim*
    126 – 16 foreshadows / spim*
    127 – 17 foreshadows / spims*
    128 – 20 foreshadows / swampish*
    129 – 18 forewords / swampish*
    130 – 20 fresherdoms* / spaewife
    131 – 20 fresherdoms* / swampier
    132 – 21 fresherdoms* / swampish*
    133 – 19 hawsepipes / serfdoms*
    134 – 20 midwiferies* / soapdish
    135 – 22 midwiferies* / soapdishes
    136 – 16 pams* / swordfishes
    137 – 20 papadams* / swordfishes
    138 – 20 papadoms* / swordfishes
    139 – 19 papisms* / swordfishes
    140 – 17 peishwahs* / serfdom
    141 – 19 peishwahs* / serfdoms*
    142 – 18 phaeisms* / swordfish
    143 – 20 phaeisms* / swordfishes
    144 – 21 priapisms* / swordfishes
    145 – 21 reformadoes* / swampish*
    146 – 19 reformados / swampish*
    147 – 18 serfdoms* / swampish*
    148 – 19 simpais* / swordfishes
    149 – 17 swamper / rodfisher*
    150 – 18 swampier / rodfisher*
    151 – 18 swordfish / hamperer*
    152 – 18 swordfishes / simpai*
    153 – 19 swordfishes / simpais*
    154 – 20 swordfishes / swampish*
    155 – 17 wampishes* / serfdom
    156 – 19 wampishes* / serfdoms*
    157 – 19 wampishes* / swordfish
    158 – 21 wampishes* / swordfishes

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