Letter Boxed December 13, 2023 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed December 13, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


76 thoughts on “Letter Boxed December 13, 2023 Answers”

    1. Same:
      An mks unit of luminous energy, exactly corresponding to the SI lumen second.

      A type of hound once used for hunting and tracking.

    2. Same, same. Saw SQUIRMY quickly and then was like maybe the Talbots store is named after a real thing. Ran that slightly jazzy pantsuit up the flagpole, and there it still flies.

      1. Another TALBOTS – SQUIRMY here. Had SQUIRTY first, but then saw SQUIRMY. Went on to SQUALOR before circling back and giving TALBOTS a shot. Never ceased to be amazed at how many words I don’t know!

    1. Quarts- Symbolism here as well. I seem to get more solves when there is a plural or word ending in “s”. Does anyone else here feel like they go down a rabbit hole of suffixes? Not so much on this one however. I think I make it over complicated.

      1. That’s my main methodology for solving, Crozz; check for suffixes first (and sometimes prefixes), along with which letters are going to be problematic. -TION is always a helpful combination, along with -ABLE, -ABLY (didn’t help today, though), -ABILITY. -ING and -AGE also come in handy, -IZE when a “Z” is present, and -IVE when there’s a “V”. Ooh, and -FUL when you can’t figure out what to do with an “F”!

        Some helpful prefixes to keep an eye out for: MICRO-/MACRO-, ANTI-, PRE-/PRO-, and measurements like MEGA-, GIGA-, and KILO-.

        Today’s solve for me was another BALOTS – SQUIRMY, which didn’t take advantage of any aforementioned prefixes or suffixes. 😝

    2. QUARTS — SYMBOLISM as well.

      Choosing the symbol “qt” doesnt seem a process complicated enough to be its own ‘ism’, but here we are! 🙂

      1. I got QUARTS / SYMBOLISM too. (Before running the software)
        Quitting while I’m ahead. Took an hour. Now I’ll run the software…

  1. I got 4 answers today and felt ready to brag and bag some TI; then got here and found that (already) none were unique.
    But I do appear to be the first to claim the OA, so a little luncheon on the Delaware River Waterfront for me.

    1. Laughing like crazy at your comments as usual. The east coast is a definite disadvantage! You must have been up bright and early. I on the other hand woke up in the middle of the night but managed to solve all of the NYT puzzles and still go back to bed. The lessor than Wilmington Waterfront dinner for me!

      1. Hey Tk,
        Actually, I’m not up early. I play the game after the night/swing shift. That’s why sometimes I’m a bit loopy or verbose; I’m typing while already asleep!
        Also, to be fair, I’m not from Philly, but strombolis are! Hope you enjoyed some near the source for all of us, and sincerely glad to share chuckle.

  2. *Lambos Squirty.

    A little disappointed that Lambo isn’t a word here. TI could be, yes, um, many things; but the efficiency is a great 13/2.

    Couldn’t manage to find pairs for SQUIRMY or SQUIRTY, but I’m glad to see that some folks did. I guess the coffee hadn’t kicked in.

  4. TAMBOURS – SOLILIQUY. Unefficient, yes. But I saw Soliliquy right off and Tambors fell in nicely–then wasn’t accepted. I thought “Where do you think tambourines come from??”, tried adding the U, and voila! At which point, I’d invested too much effort and indignation to look for a more elegant solution 🙂
    I double-checked. “Tambor” is not only the small drum-thingie I remembered, but also a sort of fish and the back part of a gun, where it’s loaded. Surprising that Tambor wasn’t accepted, especially given the way NYT throws obscure fish species into all their games.

      1. Aarghhh! My apologies, LB folks—thanks, for the catch, Vijay.

        I often type in a word to see how it works with grid, but don’t hit Enter: probably the case here. And why hit Enter at the end when I have so clearly aced the solution. Ugh.

  5. Some Anagrams in today’s array:

    and, LASTLY : SALTLY 🙂
    † Interesting sequence I came across:

    MARABOU : a large dark gray African stork that has a distensible pouch of pink skin at the front of the neck and feeds especially on carrion.

    MARABOUT: a dervish in Muslim Africa believed to have supernatural power.

    MARABOU/MARABOUT: a soft feathery fluffy material prepared from turkey feathers or the coverts of marabous and used especially for trimming women’s hats or clothes.

  6. Today’s hunt was an adventure. My first accepted solution was BALOTS – SQUIRMY, but BALOTS is not a PSW, so on I went. My next was the OA, but STROMBOLI is not a PSW, either, so Strike Two. I eventually landed on QUARTS – SYMBOLISM. Phew!


  7. I notice that this board often uses abbreviations. Is there a key of some kind? 😅 I deduced that OA must mean “original answer”. And the other day someone shared that TI means “thematic intent”. Some new ones are ALIOW and PSW. What do those mean? And other unique initialisms new people should know about?

    1. OA = Official Answer
      PSW = Playable Scrabble Word
      TI = Thematic Integrity
      ALIOW = At Least It’s Over With
      X/Y = X letters in Y words

      and one that I made up:
      SSS = Suspected Singular Solution
      but it’s rarely used.

  8. TAMBOURS – SQUIRLY came very quickly for me, but SQUIRLY wasn’t allowed, disappointingly. I eventually found MYOBLASTS – SQUIRL, which was. So it seems you can have a squirl, but not be like one.

  9. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 15 bailouts / squirmy
    2 – 13 balots / squirmy
    3 – 17 labourists / squirmy
    4 – 15 layabouts / squirm
    5 – 16 layabouts / squirms
    6 – 16 layabouts / squirmy
    7 – 16 marquis / symbolist
    8 – 17 marquis / symbolists
    9 – 14 oblasts / squirmy
    10 – 15 quarts / symbolism
    11 – 15 quarts / symbolist
    12 – 16 quarts / symbolists
    13 – 16 quartos / symbolism
    14 – 16 quartos / symbolist
    15 – 17 quartos / symbolists
    16 – 16 quasars / symbolist
    17 – 17 quasars / symbolists
    18 – 14 quays / stromboli
    19 – 15 quays / strombolis
    20 – 14 squirm / myoblast
    21 – 15 squirm / myoblasts
    22 – 17 squirm / myoblastoma
    23 – 18 squirm / myoblastomas
    24 – 18 stabilators / squirmy
    25 – 18 statoblasts / squirmy
    26 – 17 strombolis / squatly
    27 – 17 symbolists / squalor
    28 – 14 talbots / squirmy
    29 – 13 tymbal / liquors
    30 – 15 tombolas / squirmy
    31 – 15 tombolas / squirty
    32 – 16 blastomas / squirmy
    33 – 16 blastomas / squirty
    34 – 15 ablators / squirmy
    35 – 18 abortoriums / squatly
    36 – 18 astroblasts / squirmy
    37 – 19 automobilias / squirmy
    38 – 19 automobilias / squirty
    39 – 20 automobilists / squirmy
    40 – 20 automobilists / squirty
    41 – 16 bioblasts / squirmy
    42 – 15 malambos / squirty
    43 – 15 malombos / squirty
    44 – 14 mobolas / squirty
    45 – 15 myoblasts / squirl
    46 – 15 myoblasts / squirm
    47 – 16 myoblasts / squirms
    48 – 16 myoblasts / squirmy
    49 – 15 myoblasts / squirt
    50 – 16 myoblasts / squirts
    51 – 16 myoblasts / squirty
    52 – 18 myoblastomas / squirl
    53 – 18 myoblastomas / squirm
    54 – 19 myoblastomas / squirms
    55 – 19 myoblastomas / squirmy
    56 – 18 myoblastomas / squirt
    57 – 19 myoblastomas / squirts
    58 – 19 myoblastomas / squirty
    59 – 14 oblatas / squirmy
    60 – 17 outlabours / squirmy
    61 – 15 quilombo / outrays
    62 – 16 quilombos / smartly
    63 – 15 quilombos / smarty
    64 – 20 quilombos / statutorily
    65 – 14 quilombos / stray
    66 – 15 quilombos / strays
    67 – 15 quilombos / stylar
    68 – 17 quilombos / starosty
    69 – 15 quilombos / starty
    70 – 15 quoys / strabismal
    71 – 17 tombarolos / squirmy
    72 – 17 tombarolos / squirty

    73 – 16 abomas / squiralty*
    74 – 19 aliquots / strabotomy*
    75 – 15 ambos / squiralty*
    76 – 24 automobilisms* / squiralty*
    77 – 21 automobilisms* / squirmy
    78 – 23 automobilists / squiralty*
    79 – 22 barotraumas* / squiralty*
    80 – 18 bayamos* / squiralty*
    81 – 22 bibliolatrists* / squirmy
    82 – 17 bisoms* / squiralty*
    83 – 19 blastomas / squiralty*
    84 – 15 bomas / squiralty*
    85 – 19 bombasts* / squiralty*
    86 – 18 bomboras / squiralty*
    87 – 17 bombos* / squiralty*
    88 – 15 bombs / squiralty*
    89 – 16 borms* / squiralty*
    90 – 16 bosoms / squiralty*
    91 – 17 boyarisms* / squatly
    92 – 20 boyarisms* / squiralty*
    93 – 17 bumbos* / squiralty*
    94 – 17 bumboys / squiralty*
    95 – 18 isobarisms* / squatly
    96 – 21 isobarisms* / squiralty*
    97 – 17 laborisms* / squatly
    98 – 20 laborisms* / squiralty*
    99 – 17 laborists* / squirmy
    100 – 18 labourisms* / squatly
    101 – 21 labourisms* / squiralty*
    102 – 18 lamboys* / squiralty*
    103 – 14 lamboys* / squirt
    104 – 15 lamboys* / squirts
    105 – 18 liquors / strabotomy*
    106 – 16 mambos / squiralty*
    107 – 19 marabouts / squiralty*
    108 – 16 marquis / sortably*
    109 – 14 mobs / squiralty*
    110 – 17 myoblast / turquois*
    111 – 18 myoblasts / squarial*
    112 – 19 myoblasts / squiralty*
    113 – 22 ololiuquis* / strabotomy*
    114 – 16 quairs* / symbolist
    115 – 17 quairs* / symbolists
    116 – 18 quartos / symbolisms*
    117 – 17 quarts / symbolisms*
    118 – 17 quilts / strabotomy*
    119 – 16 royalmasts* / squib
    120 – 17 royalmasts* / squibs
    121 – 16 rumbos / squiralty*
    122 – 17 sambos* / squiralty*
    123 – 18 sibilators* / squirmy
    124 – 20 siliquas* / strabotomy*
    125 – 17 squalors* / symbiot*
    126 – 18 squalors* / symbiots*
    127 – 18 squalors* / symbolist
    128 – 19 squalors* / symbolists
    129 – 17 squarial* / lobotomy
    130 – 16 squirms / sortably*
    131 – 21 stabilisators* / squirmy
    132 – 18 strombs* / squiralty*
    133 – 19 symbiosis / squiralty*
    134 – 16 symbiots* / squalor
    135 – 18 symbiots* / squalors*
    136 – 18 symbiots* / squarial*
    137 – 19 symbiots* / squiralty*
    138 – 21 symbolisms* / squiralty*
    139 – 19 symbolists / squalors*
    140 – 19 symbolists / squarial*
    141 – 20 symbolists / squiralty*
    142 – 19 tambouras / squiralty*
    143 – 18 tambours / squiralty*
    144 – 18 tombolas / squiralty*
    145 – 18 tombolos / squiralty*
    146 – 16 tomboys / squarial*
    147 – 17 tomboys / squiralty*
    148 – 15 tombs / squiralty*
    149 – 15 umbos / squiralty*

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