Letter Boxed December 05, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed December 05, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


29 thoughts on “Letter Boxed December 05, 2024 Answers”

        1. Yes! As is Comprisal. It’s in all of the dictionaries. And they accepted Chalaza. There have been some real oddities with the word list the last 2 days. Took forever, but eventually hit the OA


    Found PHLORIZIN (a polyphenol compound) and couldn’t believe that NOSOCOMIAL was right there. It took me five minutes, at most, today. I predict that there will be lots and lots of solutions.

    1. I was sure I was going to be the only one who found this solution! 😄 I had actually tried PHLORIZIN – NONCRIMINALS first, but for some reason NONCRIMINALS was not accepted (yet PHLORIZIN & NOSOCOMIAL were! Go figure!)

        1. I used to deal with hospital epidemiology reports and nosocomial infections were (and still are) monitored closely.

        1. Yup. First LB did not accept CHALAZION (which is s word). Then ZIRCONIA and APHORISMS left me with the L (added SLAP to APHORISMS)…Saw CHASMS and CHOIRS but did not see ANACHRONISM 🙁

    2. Mine also!

      Before that i had tried
      COMPRIZAL and COMPRIZALS, which are in the MW dictionary as an archaic spelling of Comprisal(s), but LB said “Nyet”!


    There’s a thread of time though the definitions from the OED.

    achronism, n. The state of timelessness; deficiency of time.

    anachronism, n. An error in chronology; the placing of something in a period of time to which it does not belong (esp. one which is earlier than its true date)…

    prochronism, n. An error in chronology that places an event earlier in time than its true date. Cf. anachronism, n.

    1. ISOCHRONISM* The character or property of being isochronous, or of oscillating or taking place in equal spaces of time.

    The town square had been lovingly restored. But did the Wild West always have Starbucks Saloons?

  4. OA three days in a row. NOT getting the OA is a matter honour. Wha gives?

    Tried to beat something out of APHORISM but no luck.

  5. I was on the right track but didn’t want to spend much longer, somehow got stuck without being able to form ANARCHISM, after PLAZA… only got a 4w with Plaza and an -ism (Plaza Animism Mocha Air), settled for 3w PLAZAS SCRIMP PHONO. (Surprised Phono was ok’d as a complete word), earlier got 17/4 CHAIR ROMP PLAZAS SIN.

  6. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 16 plaza / anachronism
    2 – 17 plaza / anachronisms
    3 – 14 plaza / anchorism
    4 – 14 plaza / achronism
    5 – 15 plaza / achronisms
    6 – 19 phlorizin / nosocomial

    7 – 21 phlorizin / noncriminals*
    8 – 15 plaza / anachorism*
    9 – 16 plaza / anachorisms*

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