Letter Boxed December 03, 2022 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed December 03, 2022 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


40 thoughts on “Letter Boxed December 03, 2022 Answers”

    1. Nice one! And, if you rearrange it, you get ORPIMENT – THUDS -which is what can probably be seen and heard in Hawaii.

    2. Prominent Thuds here as well, also Pimentos Shroud. Shipment was tempting, but when Duros and Tudor(s) were rejected, I gave up on it. I thought surely Shrimp(s) or Dormouse or Thrush(es) would go somewhere, but no – not for me, anyway.

  1. DUROS – SHIPMENT (13/2) should have been accepted, but, as it wasn’t, I decided ODOROUS – SHIPMENT was my favourite two-word solution, followed by SHROUDS – SHIPMENT, both of which have an unpleasant thematic integrity, but not one that quite matches that of the three-word ODOROUS – SHROUDS – SHIPMENT. Yuck.

      1. I finally eked out with PIMENTOS – SHROUD as well, thinking it would be the original, but alas, I’m chalking the last few days up to covid brain. Or, I could be shrouded in pimentos ;-0

    1. Me too. I tend to rate myself vs the “official” solution to see whose has less letters. In this case, they easily could have turned PROUD to PUD and matched us, but they didn’t so(by my metric) we win.

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