Letter Boxed August 20, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed August 20, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


100 thoughts on “Letter Boxed August 20, 2024 Answers”

    1. Excellent answer, Mark.
      I never got anywhere near the fine 0A with its fulsome TI. My offerings: Inclusivism Mortal – we’re all in this together and nobody gets out alive; Voluntarist Tomcat – C&O mascot Peake (Chessie’s mate) in wartime; and Voluntarism Mic(s), for rally organizers to talk into, and Voluntarism Moc(s), for them to wear when marching.

      1. Same here – VOLUNTARISM – MIC. Spent time on CAVORTS, AVARICIOUS, VICTORIOUS, VORACIOUS, SAVIOURS, VISCOUNTS but didn’t see a pair for them.

        1. Hey John!
          i came up with:
          “Ulminic” being a word that NASA used in 1966 to describe certain acids produced by the decomposition of perennial grasses – but LB didn’t buy!

      2. Same. And quite quickly too. I wasn’t sure VOLUNTARISM was a word but it worked out well!

        TI: The host takes the stage at the charity event to say a few words

    Oh, be still my beating heart…
    That movie got my blood pumping…
    Got under my skin…
    Or maybe it’s just indigestion.

      1. I was starting to feel like I wasn’t going to solve it as I found tons of good words which prevents me from focusing:
        Unicorn, Coastal (tricoastal not accepted), Vacuous, Varmints, Virtuous, Comical, Viscous, Unanimous, Vicarious, Vivacious

        Was close with… Volcanic – Custom (no R)

        1. UNMORTAL was the only pairing I found, and that was just a stab in the dark. I couldn’t find a pairing with VICTORIOUS, which I also made an effort to do. I haven’t seen any 2-word solution with VICTORIOUS yet. SALMON almost worked.

    1. Oh, good one! I had Lascivious but didn’t come up with Unmortal to go with. 🤦
      Ended up with Mountains & Naviculars.

  2. I almost never win, and never ever a unique answer, but today I got:

    I don’t know volcanist spelled like that, i was working from volcanic. vulcanism and storm is the much easier answer, but here I am.


    Saw UNANIMOUS right away and the letters left gave me VOLUNTARIST but no way to connect so I started with VOLUNTARIST and saw TOMCATS.

    1. I found something similar with VOLUNTARISTS – STOICISM… couldn’t find a good hook off the T so I opted for something a bit less clean.

  4. VULCANIC – CORMORANTS, i.e., members of the species Nannopterum harrisi, better known as the Flightless Cormorant, endemic to the very vulcanic/volcanic Galapagos Islands.

    1. Great TI!

      I guess that if you are a bird that has no predators, flying is not mandatory! Going to the Galapagos is on my bucket list.

  5. Wow. I felt so close to solving it many times with words like COLOURISM, NATURISM, CIVICISM, VISCOUNTS, ALARMIST, CARNIVALS, STOICISM, TOURISM, OUTCASTS, UNVIRTUOUS, COMICAL, RAINCOATS, UNICOLOUR (guess) and VIVACIOUS. I was starting to think about giving up until I revisited MISCOUNTS and found the OA.

  6. Looks like I found a unique solution today. Not proud, given how uneconomical it is:
    OMNIVOROUS-STRUCTURAL. Something to do with the food pyramid??

  7. Wow you folks never fail to impress me, so many clever answers! I thought mine were unique but others here also got my two 2w’s: first I didn’t expect UNMORTAL to be ok’d but it was, so UNMORTAL LASCIVIOUS was my first 2w, but then I also got VOLCANIST TRUISM. My favourite TI was 3w: MORTAL LASCIVIOUS SIN. I never thought of Miscount but had hopes for Viscount. Mint-Trivial-Locus was my shortest 3w.

  8. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    flutter: words length 1738
    flutter: Scrabble dictionary size: 279513
    flutter: words2.length 2258

    1 – 17 anatomical / louvars
    2 – 19 avicularia / anatomist
    3 – 20 avicularia / anatomists
    4 – 17 carnivals / surmount
    5 – 18 carnivals / surmounts
    6 – 15 colourism / movant
    7 – 16 colourism / movants
    8 – 15 culmina / aviators
    9 – 17 culmina / astrovirus
    10 – 20 culminant / travolators
    11 – 16 culminant / travois
    12 – 15 custom / mournival
    13 – 16 custom / mournivals
    14 – 20 inclusivism / moratoria
    15 – 17 inclusivism / mortal
    16 – 18 inclusivism / mortals
    17 – 17 inclusivism / mortar
    18 – 18 inclusivism / mortars
    19 – 19 inclusivism / mortaria
    20 – 19 inclusivism / miniator
    21 – 20 inclusivism / miniators
    22 – 22 inclusivism / ministrator
    23 – 23 inclusivism / ministrators
    24 – 24 inclusivism / miscalculator
    25 – 25 inclusivism / miscalculators
    26 – 16 inclusivism / morat
    27 – 17 inclusivism / morats
    28 – 19 inclusivism / motorial
    29 – 20 inclusivist / triatomic
    30 – 19 intravascular / romcom
    31 – 20 intravascular / romcoms
    32 – 19 intravascular / rimous
    33 – 19 lascivious / saturnism
    34 – 18 lascivious / surmount
    35 – 19 lascivious / surmounts
    36 – 19 locomotor / ranivorous
    37 – 19 locomotor / rouncivals
    38 – 19 minuscular / rotavator
    39 – 19 minuscular / rotovator
    40 – 20 minuscular / rotavators
    41 – 20 minuscular / rotovators
    42 – 19 minuscular / rotavirus
    43 – 19 minuscular / rotaviral
    44 – 16 miraculous / satnav
    45 – 16 miraculous / savant
    46 – 17 miraculous / savants
    47 – 18 miscount / travolator
    48 – 19 miscount / travolators
    49 – 15 miscount / trivial
    50 – 15 miscounts / salvor
    51 – 16 miscounts / salvors
    52 – 16 moi / intravascular
    53 – 16 mortar / rouncivals
    54 – 15 motor / rouncivals
    55 – 17 moulvi / inculcators
    56 – 19 moulvi / intravascular
    57 – 16 molvi / inculcators
    58 – 18 molvi / intravascular
    59 – 15 moulvis / saturnic
    60 – 16 moulvis / suctorian
    61 – 14 molvis / saturnic
    62 – 15 molvis / suctorian
    63 – 18 mountain / naviculars
    64 – 16 movant / tricolours
    65 – 16 movants / suctorial
    66 – 16 moviolas / saturnic
    67 – 17 moviolas / suctorian
    68 – 16 naviculars / satcom
    69 – 18 naviculars / stoicism
    70 – 15 naviculars / storm
    71 – 16 naviculars / storms
    72 – 18 naviculars / surmount
    73 – 19 naviculars / surmounts
    74 – 20 oculomotor / ranivorous
    75 – 17 oculomotor / rivinas
    76 – 20 oculomotor / rouncivals
    77 – 16 omnivorous / scutal
    78 – 17 omnivorous / stoical
    79 – 20 omnivorous / structural
    80 – 19 omnivorous / suctorial
    81 – 15 satcom / mournival
    82 – 16 satcom / mournivals
    83 – 17 satori / inclusivism
    84 – 17 stoicism / mournival
    85 – 18 stoicism / mournivals
    86 – 17 varmint / tricolours
    87 – 17 varmints / salacious
    88 – 17 varmints / suctorial
    89 – 16 vatu / unmiraculous
    90 – 15 vincula / armorist
    91 – 16 vincula / armorists
    92 – 17 virtu / unmiraculous
    93 – 20 visuomotor / ranunculus
    94 – 19 visuomotor / rouncival
    95 – 20 visuomotor / rouncivals
    96 – 15 vocals / saturnism
    97 – 18 vulcanic / cormorants
    98 – 20 volcanism / miniaturist
    99 – 21 volcanism / miniaturists
    100 – 17 volcanism / mistrust
    101 – 18 volcanism / mistrusts
    102 – 22 volcanism / miscalculator
    103 – 23 volcanism / miscalculators
    104 – 18 vulcanism / moratoria
    105 – 13 vulcanism / mort
    106 – 14 vulcanism / morts
    107 – 15 vulcanism / mortal
    108 – 16 vulcanism / mortals
    109 – 15 vulcanism / mortar
    110 – 16 vulcanism / mortars
    111 – 17 vulcanism / mortaria
    112 – 14 vulcanism / motor
    113 – 15 vulcanism / motors
    114 – 16 vulcanism / motoric
    115 – 17 vulcanism / motorist
    116 – 18 vulcanism / motorists
    117 – 17 vulcanism / miniator
    118 – 18 vulcanism / miniators
    119 – 20 vulcanism / ministrator
    120 – 21 vulcanism / ministrators
    121 – 22 vulcanism / miscalculator
    122 – 23 vulcanism / miscalculators
    123 – 14 vulcanism / morat
    124 – 15 vulcanism / morats
    125 – 17 vulcanism / motorial
    126 – 17 vulcanism / motorism
    127 – 18 vulcanism / motorisms
    128 – 14 voluntarism / mcs
    129 – 18 voluntarism / miasmic
    130 – 14 voluntarism / mic
    131 – 15 voluntarism / mics
    132 – 15 voluntarism / mica
    133 – 16 voluntarism / mimic
    134 – 17 voluntarism / mimics
    135 – 20 voluntarism / minacious
    136 – 18 voluntarism / minicom
    137 – 19 voluntarism / minicoms
    138 – 21 voluntarism / minuscular
    139 – 21 voluntarism / miraculous
    140 – 18 voluntarism / miscast
    141 – 19 voluntarism / miscasts
    142 – 19 voluntarism / miscount
    143 – 20 voluntarism / miscounts
    144 – 14 voluntarism / moc
    145 – 15 voluntarism / mocs
    146 – 19 voluntarism / morainic
    147 – 18 voluntarism / motoric
    148 – 18 voluntarism / minicar
    149 – 19 voluntarism / minicars
    150 – 20 voluntarism / micacious
    151 – 18 voluntarism / mimical
    152 – 24 voluntarism / miscalculator
    153 – 25 voluntarism / miscalculators
    154 – 19 voluntarism / misclaim
    155 – 20 voluntarism / misclaims
    156 – 20 voluntarism / miscolour
    157 – 21 voluntarism / miscolours
    158 – 17 voluntarism / miscin
    159 – 17 voluntarism / miscal
    160 – 15 voluntarism / moco
    161 – 16 voluntarism / mocus
    162 – 17 voluntarism / motuca
    163 – 18 voluntarism / motucas
    164 – 17 voluntarist / tomcat
    165 – 18 voluntarist / tomcats
    166 – 20 voluntarist / triatomic
    167 – 18 voluntarists / satcom
    168 – 20 voluntarists / stoicism
    169 – 23 voluntarists / structurism
    170 – 24 voluntarists / structurisms
    171 – 19 voluntourism / miasmic
    172 – 16 voluntourism / mica
    173 – 21 voluntourism / minacious
    174 – 22 voluntourism / minuscular
    175 – 22 voluntourism / miraculous
    176 – 19 voluntourism / miscast
    177 – 20 voluntourism / miscasts
    178 – 20 voluntourism / morainic
    179 – 19 voluntourism / minicar
    180 – 20 voluntourism / minicars
    181 – 21 voluntourism / micacious
    182 – 19 voluntourism / mimical
    183 – 25 voluntourism / miscalculator
    184 – 26 voluntourism / miscalculators
    185 – 20 voluntourism / misclaim
    186 – 21 voluntourism / misclaims
    187 – 18 voluntourism / miscal
    188 – 18 voluntourism / motuca
    189 – 19 voluntourism / motucas
    190 – 18 voluntourist / tomcat
    191 – 19 voluntourist / tomcats
    192 – 21 voluntourist / triatomic
    193 – 19 voluntourists / satcom
    194 – 18 atomicism / mournival
    195 – 19 atomicism / mournivals
    196 – 18 lacinato / omnivorous
    197 – 19 lacinato / omnivarious
    198 – 19 laciniato / omnivorous
    199 – 20 laciniato / omnivarious
    200 – 18 miniator / rouncivals
    201 – 20 ministrator / rouncival
    202 – 21 ministrator / rouncivals
    203 – 18 miscalculator / ravin
    204 – 23 miscalculator / ranivorous
    205 – 19 miscalculator / rivina
    206 – 20 miscalculator / rivinas
    207 – 22 miscalculator / rouncival
    208 – 23 miscalculator / rouncivals
    209 – 20 miscalculators / satnav
    210 – 20 miscalculators / savant
    211 – 21 miscalculators / savants
    212 – 21 miscalculators / savarin
    213 – 19 miscalculators / savin
    214 – 22 miscalculators / savasana
    215 – 16 miscolours / satnav
    216 – 16 miscolours / savant
    217 – 17 miscolours / savants
    218 – 17 moai / intravascular
    219 – 18 moloi / intravascular
    220 – 17 mournival / locators
    221 – 15 mournival / locust
    222 – 16 mournival / locusts
    223 – 16 mournival / lolcats
    224 – 18 mournival / lactarius
    225 – 16 mournival / locants
    226 – 16 mournival / locusta
    227 – 17 mournival / locustas
    228 – 17 mournival / locutors
    229 – 17 mournivals / sanctus
    230 – 17 mournivals / satanic
    231 – 16 mournivals / satcom
    232 – 18 mournivals / saturnic
    233 – 15 mournivals / scant
    234 – 16 mournivals / scants
    235 – 14 mournivals / scat
    236 – 15 mournivals / scats
    237 – 14 mournivals / scot
    238 – 15 mournivals / scots
    239 – 15 mournivals / scout
    240 – 16 mournivals / scouts
    241 – 14 mournivals / scut
    242 – 15 mournivals / scuts
    243 – 15 mournivals / scuta
    244 – 16 mournivals / scutal
    245 – 17 mournivals / stricto
    246 – 18 mournivals / stocious
    247 – 15 mournivals / stoic
    248 – 16 mournivals / stoics
    249 – 17 mournivals / stoical
    250 – 18 mournivals / stoicism
    251 – 16 mournivals / strict
    252 – 20 mournivals / structural
    253 – 19 mournivals / suctorial
    254 – 19 mournivals / suctorian
    255 – 16 mournivals / struct
    256 – 17 mournivals / structs
    257 – 21 mournivals / structurism
    258 – 22 mournivals / structurisms
    259 – 21 mournivals / structurist
    260 – 22 mournivals / structurists
    261 – 14 mournivals / stuc
    262 – 15 mournivals / stucs
    263 – 16 omi / intravascular
    264 – 18 omiai / intravascular
    265 – 17 omnivarious / scutal
    266 – 18 omnivarious / stoical
    267 – 21 omnivarious / structural
    268 – 20 omnivarious / suctorial
    269 – 19 ovariotomist / truncal
    270 – 18 rouncivals / satanism
    271 – 16 rouncivals / satcom
    272 – 19 rouncivals / saturnism
    273 – 18 rouncivals / stoicism
    274 – 15 rouncivals / storm
    275 – 16 rouncivals / storms
    276 – 15 rouncivals / strim
    277 – 16 rouncivals / strims
    278 – 18 rouncivals / surmount
    279 – 19 rouncivals / surmounts
    280 – 21 rouncivals / structurism
    281 – 22 rouncivals / structurisms
    282 – 20 structurism / mournival
    283 – 21 structurism / mournivals
    284 – 15 tomin / naviculars
    285 – 16 tomorn / naviculars
    286 – 21 unlascivious / saturnism
    287 – 17 unlascivious / storm
    288 – 18 unlascivious / storms
    289 – 17 unlascivious / strim
    290 – 18 unlascivious / strims
    291 – 20 unlascivious / surmount
    292 – 21 unlascivious / surmounts
    293 – 23 unlascivious / structurism
    294 – 24 unlascivious / structurisms
    295 – 18 unmiraculous / satnav
    296 – 18 unmiraculous / savant
    297 – 19 unmiraculous / savants
    298 – 18 unmortal / lascivious
    299 – 14 volcan / naturism
    300 – 17 volcanian / naturism
    301 – 16 volcanist / turismo
    302 – 16 volcanist / tourism
    303 – 15 volcanist / truism
    304 – 16 volcanist / truisms
    305 – 19 volcanists / saturnism
    306 – 16 volcanists / surimi
    307 – 18 volcanists / surmount
    308 – 19 volcanists / surmounts
    309 – 21 volcanists / structurism
    310 – 22 volcanists / structurisms
    311 – 16 vulcanist / turismo
    312 – 16 vulcanist / tourism
    313 – 18 vulcanist / triatomic
    314 – 15 vulcanist / tomorn
    315 – 15 vulcanists / storm
    316 – 16 vulcanists / storms
    317 – 18 vulcanists / surmount
    318 – 19 vulcanists / surmounts

    319 – 19 aciclovirs* / saturnism
    320 – 20 aciclovirs* / saturnisms*
    321 – 18 aciclovirs* / surmount
    322 – 19 aciclovirs* / surmounts
    323 – 21 atavism / minicalculator*
    324 – 22 atavism / minicalculators*
    325 – 17 calvarias* / surmount
    326 – 18 calvarias* / surmounts
    327 – 14 carnivals / smout*
    328 – 15 carnivals / smouts*
    329 – 20 carnivorous / slalomist*
    330 – 21 carnivorous / slalomists*
    331 – 16 carnivorous / stulm*
    332 – 17 carnivorous / stulms*
    333 – 18 cataclasm* / mournival
    334 – 19 cataclasm* / mournivals
    335 – 22 cataclasmic* / carnivorous
    336 – 16 catalo* / omnivorous
    337 – 22 civicism / minicalculator*
    338 – 23 civicism / minicalculators*
    339 – 21 civicisms* / salutatorian
    340 – 20 civism* / minicalculator*
    341 – 21 civism* / minicalculators*
    342 – 19 civisms* / salutatorian
    343 – 17 clavicorn* / naturism
    344 – 18 clavicorn* / naturisms*
    345 – 14 clavis* / surmount
    346 – 15 clavis* / surmounts
    347 – 15 clovis* / saturnism
    348 – 16 clovis* / saturnisms*
    349 – 16 colourisms* / satnav
    350 – 17 colourisms* / satnavs*
    351 – 16 colourisms* / savant
    352 – 17 colourisms* / savants
    353 – 17 corivals* / saturnism
    354 – 18 corivals* / saturnisms*
    355 – 16 corivals* / surmount
    356 – 17 corivals* / surmounts
    357 – 16 cornicula* / atavism
    358 – 17 cornicula* / atavisms
    359 – 15 covariants / stulm*
    360 – 16 covariants / stulms*
    361 – 18 covariants / surmisal*
    362 – 19 covariants / surmisals*
    363 – 22 incivism* / minicalculator*
    364 – 23 incivism* / minicalculators*
    365 – 21 incivism* / miscalculator
    366 – 22 incivism* / miscalculators
    367 – 21 incivisms* / salutatorian
    368 – 18 incivisms* / suctorial
    369 – 17 incivisms* / sutorial*
    370 – 16 intravascular / rom*
    371 – 17 intravascular / roms*
    372 – 15 invocators* / stulm*
    373 – 16 invocators* / stulms*
    374 – 18 invocators* / surmisal*
    375 – 19 invocators* / surmisals*
    376 – 17 iotacism* / mournival
    377 – 18 iotacism* / mournivals
    378 – 20 lascivious / saturnisms*
    379 – 20 minatorial* / lascivious
    380 – 24 minicalculator* / ranivorous
    381 – 18 minicalculator* / ravs
    382 – 23 minicalculator* / rivalrous
    383 – 20 minicalculator* / rivals
    384 – 19 minicalculator* / rivas
    385 – 21 minicalculator* / rivulus
    386 – 24 minicalculator* / rotavators
    387 – 23 minicalculator* / rotavirus
    388 – 24 minicalculator* / rotovators
    389 – 24 minicalculators* / salvarsan*
    390 – 21 minicalculators* / salvia
    391 – 22 minicalculators* / salvias
    392 – 20 minicalculators* / salvo
    393 – 21 minicalculators* / salvor
    394 – 22 minicalculators* / salvors
    395 – 21 minicalculators* / satnav
    396 – 22 minicalculators* / satnavs*
    397 – 18 minicalculators* / sav
    398 – 21 minicalculators* / savant
    399 – 22 minicalculators* / savants
    400 – 22 minicalculators* / savarin
    401 – 23 minicalculators* / savasana
    402 – 24 minicalculators* / savasanas*
    403 – 20 minicalculators* / savin
    404 – 21 minicalculators* / savior
    405 – 22 minicalculators* / saviors
    406 – 22 minicalculators* / saviour
    407 – 23 minicalculators* / saviours
    408 – 20 minicalculators* / savor
    409 – 23 minicalculators* / savorous
    410 – 21 minicalculators* / savors
    411 – 21 minicalculators* / savour
    412 – 22 minicalculators* / savours
    413 – 19 minicalculators* / savs
    414 – 17 miraculous / satnavs*
    415 – 23 miscalculators / salvarsan*
    416 – 21 miscalculators / satnavs*
    417 – 23 miscalculators / savasanas*
    418 – 17 miscolours / satnavs*
    419 – 19 miscount / trivalvular*
    420 – 18 miscounts / salvarsan*
    421 – 19 moirai* / intravascular
    422 – 17 momi* / intravascular
    423 – 19 mournival / locomotors*
    424 – 17 mournival / locustal*
    425 – 16 mournivals / sancta*
    426 – 19 mournivals / satanical*
    427 – 17 mournivals / satcoms*
    428 – 15 mournivals / scart*
    429 – 16 mournivals / scarts*
    430 – 18 mournivals / scotomia*
    431 – 19 mournivals / scotomias*
    432 – 19 mournivals / stoicisms*
    433 – 16 moutan* / naviculars
    434 – 16 navicula* / armorist
    435 – 17 navicula* / armorists
    436 – 20 navicula* / astrotourism*
    437 – 21 navicula* / astrotourisms*
    438 – 17 naviculars / satcoms*
    439 – 18 naviculars / scotomia*
    440 – 19 naviculars / scotomias*
    441 – 19 naviculars / slalomist*
    442 – 20 naviculars / slalomists*
    443 – 15 naviculars / smout*
    444 – 16 naviculars / smouts*
    445 – 19 naviculars / stoicisms*
    446 – 16 naviculars / stomia*
    447 – 14 naviculas* / storm
    448 – 15 naviculas* / storms
    449 – 17 naviculas* / surmount
    450 – 18 naviculas* / surmounts
    451 – 19 nucivorous / slalomist*
    452 – 20 nucivorous / slalomists*
    453 – 19 omnivorous / satanical*
    454 – 17 scotomia* / avuncular
    455 – 15 stomia* / avuncular
    456 – 16 tormina* / avascular
    457 – 18 torminal* / lascivious
    458 – 18 univocal / locomotors*
    459 – 18 univocals* / saturnism
    460 – 19 univocals* / saturnisms*
    461 – 14 univocals* / storm
    462 – 15 univocals* / storms
    463 – 14 univocals* / strim
    464 – 15 univocals* / strims
    465 – 17 univocals* / surmount
    466 – 18 univocals* / surmounts
    467 – 19 unmiraculous / satnavs*
    468 – 15 vacuist* / torminal*
    469 – 14 varmint / talcous*
    470 – 16 varmints / sciolous*
    471 – 16 victoriana* / almous
    472 – 16 victorianas* / stulm*
    473 – 17 victorianas* / stulms*
    474 – 19 victorianas* / surmisal*
    475 – 20 victorianas* / surmisals*
    476 – 18 victrolas* / saturnism
    477 – 19 victrolas* / saturnisms*
    478 – 17 victrolas* / surmount
    479 – 18 victrolas* / surmounts
    480 – 18 vim / minicalculators*
    481 – 19 vincula / astrotourism*
    482 – 20 vincula / astrotourisms*
    483 – 16 viscount / torminal*
    484 – 17 viscounts / surmisal*
    485 – 18 viscounts / surmisals*
    486 – 16 vocals / saturnisms*
    487 – 18 volcanian / naturisms*
    488 – 18 volcanics* / saturnism
    489 – 19 volcanics* / saturnisms*
    490 – 17 volcanics* / surmount
    491 – 18 volcanics* / surmounts
    492 – 23 volcanism / minicalculator*
    493 – 24 volcanism / minicalculators*
    494 – 17 volcanism / mistutor*
    495 – 18 volcanism / mistutors*
    496 – 22 volcanisms* / salutatorian
    497 – 17 volcanisms* / santour
    498 – 18 volcanisms* / santours*
    499 – 16 volcanisms* / santur*
    500 – 17 volcanisms* / santurs*
    501 – 19 volcanisms* / sartorius
    502 – 18 volcanisms* / saturant
    503 – 19 volcanisms* / saturants
    504 – 19 volcanisms* / saturator*
    505 – 20 volcanisms* / saturators*
    506 – 18 volcanisms* / saturnic
    507 – 19 volcanisms* / saturnism
    508 – 20 volcanisms* / saturnisms*
    509 – 19 volcanisms* / saturnist*
    510 – 20 volcanisms* / saturnists*
    511 – 20 volcanisms* / sinistrous
    512 – 17 volcanisms* / sirtuin
    513 – 15 volcanisms* / stour
    514 – 16 volcanisms* / stours*
    515 – 18 volcanisms* / stratous*
    516 – 17 volcanisms* / stratus
    517 – 16 volcanisms* / strout*
    518 – 17 volcanisms* / strouts*
    519 – 20 volcanisms* / structural
    520 – 16 volcanisms* / strunt*
    521 – 17 volcanisms* / strunts*
    522 – 15 volcanisms* / strut
    523 – 16 volcanisms* / struts
    524 – 17 volcanisms* / sturnus*
    525 – 15 volcanisms* / sturt*
    526 – 16 volcanisms* / sturts*
    527 – 19 volcanisms* / suctorial
    528 – 19 volcanisms* / suctorian
    529 – 15 volcanisms* / surat*
    530 – 16 volcanisms* / surats*
    531 – 18 volcanisms* / surmount
    532 – 19 volcanisms* / surmounts
    533 – 17 volcanisms* / surtout
    534 – 18 volcanisms* / surtouts
    535 – 15 volcanisms* / sutor*
    536 – 18 volcanisms* / sutorial*
    537 – 18 volcanisms* / sutorian*
    538 – 16 volcanisms* / sutors*
    539 – 15 volcanisms* / sutra
    540 – 16 volcanisms* / sutras
    541 – 17 volcanisms* / sutural
    542 – 17 volcanist / tourisms*
    543 – 13 volcanist / turm*
    544 – 14 volcanist / turms*
    545 – 17 volcanist / tutorism*
    546 – 18 volcanist / tutorisms*
    547 – 20 volcanists / saturnisms*
    548 – 17 volcanists / surimis*
    549 – 18 volcanists / surmisal*
    550 – 19 volcanists / surmisals*
    551 – 16 voluntarism / micas*
    552 – 15 voluntarism / mico*
    553 – 25 voluntarism / minicalculator*
    554 – 26 voluntarism / minicalculators*
    555 – 17 voluntarism / misact*
    556 – 18 voluntarism / misacts*
    557 – 18 voluntarism / miscoin*
    558 – 19 voluntarism / miscolor*
    559 – 20 voluntarism / miscolors*
    560 – 17 voluntarism / miscut*
    561 – 18 voluntarism / miscuts*
    562 – 18 voluntarism / morisco*
    563 – 19 voluntarism / motorics*
    564 – 15 voluntarisms* / sac
    565 – 16 voluntarisms* / sacs
    566 – 16 voluntarisms* / saic*
    567 – 17 voluntarisms* / saics*
    568 – 21 voluntarisms* / salacious
    569 – 18 voluntarisms* / sancai*
    570 – 19 voluntarisms* / sancais*
    571 – 18 voluntarisms* / sancta*
    572 – 19 voluntarisms* / satanic
    573 – 21 voluntarisms* / satanical*
    574 – 18 voluntarisms* / satcom
    575 – 19 voluntarisms* / satcoms*
    576 – 20 voluntarisms* / saturnic
    577 – 17 voluntarisms* / scala
    578 – 18 voluntarisms* / scalar
    579 – 19 voluntarisms* / scalars
    580 – 16 voluntarisms* / scan
    581 – 17 voluntarisms* / scant
    582 – 18 voluntarisms* / scants
    583 – 16 voluntarisms* / scar
    584 – 20 voluntarisms* / scarious*
    585 – 17 voluntarisms* / scars
    586 – 17 voluntarisms* / scart*
    587 – 18 voluntarisms* / scarts*
    588 – 16 voluntarisms* / scat
    589 – 17 voluntarisms* / scats
    590 – 20 voluntarisms* / sciolous*
    591 – 18 voluntarisms* / sciroc*
    592 – 19 voluntarisms* / scirocs*
    593 – 18 voluntarisms* / scoria
    594 – 19 voluntarisms* / scoriac*
    595 – 20 voluntarisms* / scorious*
    596 – 17 voluntarisms* / scorn
    597 – 16 voluntarisms* / scot
    598 – 20 voluntarisms* / scotomia*
    599 – 21 voluntarisms* / scotomias*
    600 – 17 voluntarisms* / scots
    601 – 17 voluntarisms* / scour
    602 – 18 voluntarisms* / scours
    603 – 17 voluntarisms* / scout
    604 – 18 voluntarisms* / scouts
    605 – 16 voluntarisms* / scul*
    606 – 17 voluntarisms* / sculs*
    607 – 16 voluntarisms* / scur*
    608 – 17 voluntarisms* / scurs*
    609 – 16 voluntarisms* / scut
    610 – 17 voluntarisms* / scuta
    611 – 18 voluntarisms* / scutal
    612 – 17 voluntarisms* / scuts
    613 – 15 voluntarisms* / sic
    614 – 19 voluntarisms* / sicario*
    615 – 16 voluntarisms* / sics
    616 – 19 voluntarisms* / sinical*
    617 – 17 voluntarisms* / siroc*
    618 – 18 voluntarisms* / sirocs*
    619 – 20 voluntarisms* / stocious
    620 – 17 voluntarisms* / stoic
    621 – 19 voluntarisms* / stoical
    622 – 20 voluntarisms* / stoicism
    623 – 21 voluntarisms* / stoicisms*
    624 – 18 voluntarisms* / stoics
    625 – 18 voluntarisms* / strict
    626 – 22 voluntarisms* / structural
    627 – 21 voluntarisms* / suctorial
    628 – 21 voluntarisms* / suctorian
    629 – 18 voluntarisms* / sulcal*
    630 – 17 voluntarisms* / sulci
    631 – 18 voluntarisms* / sulcus
    632 – 20 voluntarisms* / surucucu*
    633 – 21 voluntarisms* / surucucus*
    634 – 18 voluntarist / trismic*
    635 – 19 voluntarists / satcoms*
    636 – 20 voluntarists / scotomia*
    637 – 21 voluntarists / scotomias*
    638 – 21 voluntarists / stoicisms*
    639 – 17 voluntourism / micas*
    640 – 26 voluntourism / minicalculator*
    641 – 27 voluntourism / minicalculators*
    642 – 18 voluntourism / misact*
    643 – 19 voluntourism / misacts*
    644 – 16 voluntourisms* / sac
    645 – 17 voluntourisms* / sacs
    646 – 17 voluntourisms* / saic*
    647 – 18 voluntourisms* / saics*
    648 – 22 voluntourisms* / salacious
    649 – 19 voluntourisms* / sancai*
    650 – 20 voluntourisms* / sancais*
    651 – 19 voluntourisms* / sancta*
    652 – 20 voluntourisms* / satanic
    653 – 22 voluntourisms* / satanical*
    654 – 19 voluntourisms* / satcom
    655 – 20 voluntourisms* / satcoms*
    656 – 21 voluntourisms* / saturnic
    657 – 18 voluntourisms* / scala
    658 – 19 voluntourisms* / scalar
    659 – 20 voluntourisms* / scalars
    660 – 17 voluntourisms* / scan
    661 – 18 voluntourisms* / scant
    662 – 19 voluntourisms* / scants
    663 – 17 voluntourisms* / scar
    664 – 21 voluntourisms* / scarious*
    665 – 18 voluntourisms* / scars
    666 – 18 voluntourisms* / scart*
    667 – 19 voluntourisms* / scarts*
    668 – 17 voluntourisms* / scat
    669 – 18 voluntourisms* / scats
    670 – 19 voluntourisms* / scoria
    671 – 20 voluntourisms* / scoriac*
    672 – 21 voluntourisms* / scotomia*
    673 – 22 voluntourisms* / scotomias*
    674 – 18 voluntourisms* / scuta
    675 – 19 voluntourisms* / scutal
    676 – 20 voluntourisms* / sicario*
    677 – 20 voluntourisms* / sinical*
    678 – 20 voluntourisms* / stoical
    679 – 23 voluntourisms* / structural
    680 – 22 voluntourisms* / suctorial
    681 – 22 voluntourisms* / suctorian
    682 – 19 voluntourisms* / sulcal*
    683 – 18 vom / minicalculators*
    684 – 19 vomicas* / salutatorian
    685 – 19 vulcanism / minatorial*
    686 – 23 vulcanism / minicalculator*
    687 – 24 vulcanism / minicalculators*
    688 – 17 vulcanism / mistutor*
    689 – 18 vulcanism / mistutors*
    690 – 17 vulcanism / motorics*
    691 – 22 vulcanisms* / salutatorian
    692 – 19 vulcanisms* / sanatoria
    693 – 17 vulcanisms* / santour
    694 – 18 vulcanisms* / santours*
    695 – 16 vulcanisms* / sartor*
    696 – 19 vulcanisms* / sartorial
    697 – 19 vulcanisms* / sartorian*
    698 – 19 vulcanisms* / sartorius
    699 – 17 vulcanisms* / sartors*
    700 – 16 vulcanisms* / satori
    701 – 17 vulcanisms* / satoris*
    702 – 19 vulcanisms* / saturator*
    703 – 20 vulcanisms* / saturators*
    704 – 22 vulcanisms* / sinistrorsal*
    705 – 20 vulcanisms* / sinistrous
    706 – 16 vulcanisms* / stator
    707 – 17 vulcanisms* / stators
    708 – 15 vulcanisms* / storm
    709 – 16 vulcanisms* / storms
    710 – 15 vulcanisms* / stour
    711 – 16 vulcanisms* / stours*
    712 – 18 vulcanisms* / stratous*
    713 – 16 vulcanisms* / strout*
    714 – 17 vulcanisms* / strouts*
    715 – 19 vulcanisms* / suctorial
    716 – 19 vulcanisms* / suctorian
    717 – 18 vulcanisms* / surmount
    718 – 19 vulcanisms* / surmounts
    719 – 17 vulcanisms* / surtout
    720 – 18 vulcanisms* / surtouts
    721 – 15 vulcanisms* / sutor*
    722 – 18 vulcanisms* / sutorial*
    723 – 18 vulcanisms* / sutorian*
    724 – 16 vulcanisms* / sutors*
    725 – 16 vulcanist / tormina*
    726 – 17 vulcanist / torminal*
    727 – 17 vulcanist / tourisms*
    728 – 17 vulcanist / trimotor*
    729 – 18 vulcanist / trimotors*
    730 – 17 vulcanist / tutorism*
    731 – 18 vulcanist / tutorisms*
    732 – 15 vulcanists / slorm*
    733 – 16 vulcanists / slorms*

  9. anatomical louvars

    First alphabetically, apparently. But sad I never found the match for viscounts, where I started.

  10. Two odd solutions:
    “Lacustrian” is a synonym for “lacustrine” but LB didn’t take it.
    LB didn’t like “Ulminic”

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