Letter Boxed August 04, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed August 04, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


84 thoughts on “Letter Boxed August 04, 2024 Answers”

    1. Wow! a one word solution that can actually be connected in the LB grid AND is actually in the two main dictionaries! Cool beanz!
      Fantastic find!
      I thought about countering with OCTAHEDRONGROUP
      but that fails after the first letter.

      PS – OED seems to say that nephrogonaduct has only appeared once in published material, in 1883.
      OED’s definition is a bit more discernible than Webster’s. OED has “Nephrogonaduct is a noun that means a duct connecting the kidney and the gonad, but it is no longer used. It was only recorded …”.

      PPS: Wordnik, citing The Century Dictionary, has “The nephridium of a mollusk when it serves as a gonaduct. See idiogonaduct”

      The Century Dictionary has quite a history and influence:

        1. i’m just glad that you found a 1’er … i had given up on even looking for them lately!
          now we know they are there!!!

    2. A one-word wonder – what a shame LB refused it!

      As for me, selecting from a plethora: Tapdancer Rough (James Cagney); Changeup Product (it’s New and Improved, although how it can be both remains unanswered); Grandaughter Reproduce (where great-grandkids come from); and Dreadnought Tapdance (lobbying for the new warship) followed by Dreadnaught Touchup (after the shakedown cruise).

      Sorry and shamefaced not to have spotted the OA. It turns pumpkins into coaches!

      1. DREADNAUGHT–TOUCHUP was mine. I don’t know what’s more surprising to me: that TOUCHUP wasn’t disqualified because it should be hyphenated, or that I managed to spell DREADNAUGHT correctly on the first try.
        Anyway, good TI here, whether you’re talking about naval vessels or acoustic guitars.

      2. I’ve had a feeling for awhile now that a one-worder was overdue. I guess it was too technical to make the LB cut. Many OEDs have the same fate it seems. A versatile array nonetheless though.

    1. I’ll second that. Mark just when i thought i could not be more impressed with this forum someone comes up with something like that one worder and i discover how wrong i was.

          1. DROUGHT -TAPDANCE Here in New England I’d do any kind of dance if it would stop the rain.

    1. Hi CR – my solution might be the sequel to yours:

      TI: they charge you a lot more for making that substitution and the shopper documents it in very fine print at the bottom of the receipt.

      A rainmaking ceremony?
      I was beginning to think I had a unique solution–not easy around these parts!

  1. Dreadnought – touchup
    Those types of guitars (dreadnoughts) have a nice sound.

    Changeup – product
    Foul ball!
    Reminds me that hubby caught a foul ball in the stands from Pedro Martinez (saw your comment, Mark) to Ryan Zimmerman

    1. I never cease to learn new things with this game!

      CTENOPHORAN is accepted, but the only connection that I can see is NONGRADUATE which LB does not like (and it is a hyphenated word in the OED).

  2. I could have sworn I posted this yesterday…

    Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 17 anecdata / autograph
    2 – 22 anecdata / autophotograph
    3 – 18 arctangent / touchpad
    4 – 14 argent / touchpad
    5 – 14 ought / tapdancer
    6 – 15 chador / repugnant
    7 – 18 changer / reproductor
    8 – 20 changeup / photoproduct
    9 – 15 changeup / portend
    10 – 15 changeup / product
    11 – 16 changeup / protopod
    12 – 20 changeup / photoproduce
    13 – 22 changeup / photoreproduce
    14 – 19 changeup / prechordate
    15 – 17 changeup / producent
    16 – 17 changeup / productor
    17 – 15 changeup / protead
    18 – 15 changeup / protend
    19 – 21 chordophone / ethnagogue
    20 – 18 choreograph / handout
    21 – 13 chug / godparent
    22 – 21 creodont / thoughtograph
    23 – 18 dognap / photoproduce
    24 – 20 dognap / photoreproduce
    25 – 15 dragnet / touchpad
    26 – 17 dragnet / touchpaper
    27 – 14 dragnet / touchup
    28 – 16 dragonet / touchpad
    29 – 18 dragonet / touchpaper
    30 – 15 dragonet / touchup
    31 – 19 dreadnought / tapdance
    32 – 20 dreadnought / tapdancer
    33 – 19 dreadnought / topnotch
    34 – 19 dreadnought / touchpad
    35 – 21 dreadnought / touchpaper
    36 – 18 dreadnought / touchup
    37 – 15 drought / tapdance
    38 – 16 drought / tapdancer
    39 – 16 duotone / echograph
    40 – 16 echograph / handout
    41 – 16 endpaper / roughcut
    42 – 17 gaucho / odontophore
    43 – 14 godparent / touch
    44 – 17 godparent / touchpad
    45 – 19 godparent / touchpaper
    46 – 18 godparent / touchtone
    47 – 16 godparent / touchup
    48 – 23 grandaughter / recuperator
    49 – 21 grandaughter / reproduce
    50 – 22 grandaughter / reproducer
    51 – 23 grandaughter / reproductor
    52 – 16 grandparent / touch
    53 – 19 grandparent / touchpad
    54 – 21 grandparent / touchpaper
    55 – 20 grandparent / touchtone
    56 – 18 grandparent / touchup
    57 – 20 grandpop / photoproduce
    58 – 22 grandpop / photoreproduce
    59 – 18 guardant / touchpaper
    60 – 17 hangar / reproductor
    61 – 17 hanger / reproductor
    62 – 16 hangout / tapdancer
    63 – 18 hangup / photoproduce
    64 – 20 hangup / photoreproduce
    65 – 17 hangup / prechordate
    66 – 15 hangup / producent
    67 – 20 haranguer / reproductor
    68 – 15 nought / tapdancer
    69 – 17 outdance / echograph
    70 – 17 outdance / ergograph
    71 – 16 outdone / echograph
    72 – 22 paperhanger / reproductor
    73 – 20 paperhanger / retroduce
    74 – 19 parcener / readthrough
    75 – 15 pardner / roughcut
    76 – 16 pardoner / roughcut
    77 – 16 phonate / egerdouce
    78 – 19 photoproduct / tangere
    79 – 19 photoproduct / tanager
    80 – 19 photoproduct / tangent
    81 – 19 photoproduct / tentage
    82 – 21 photoproduct / teratogen
    83 – 19 photoproduct / thanage
    84 – 19 photoproduct / trepang
    85 – 17 pouchong / godparent
    86 – 15 pouchong / gradate
    87 – 16 pouchong / graduate
    88 – 20 pouchong / grandaughter
    89 – 19 pouchong / grandparent
    90 – 22 pouchong / grandparentage
    91 – 18 prancer / readthrough
    92 – 20 precentor / readthrough
    93 – 16 pregnant / touchpad
    94 – 17 produce / ethnagogue
    95 – 18 producer / rentcharge
    96 – 14 product / thanage
    97 – 15 putonghua / adarce
    98 – 15 reagent / touchpad
    99 – 17 regardant / touchpad
    100 – 19 regardant / touchpaper
    101 – 16 regardant / touchup
    102 – 14 regent / touchpad
    103 – 15 regnant / touchpad
    104 – 19 reproduce / ethnagogue
    105 – 20 reproducer / rentcharge
    106 – 17 repugnant / touchpad
    107 – 17 rethought / tapdance
    108 – 18 rethought / tapdancer
    109 – 16 roughcut / tapdance
    110 – 17 roughcut / tapdancer
    111 – 15 roughcut / tonepad
    112 – 20 tapdancer / readthrough
    113 – 18 tapdancer / rethought
    114 – 14 tapdancer / rough
    115 – 17 tapdancer / roughage
    116 – 17 tapdancer / roughcut
    117 – 17 tapdancer / roughout
    118 – 16 teardrop / pouchong
    119 – 16 thought / tapdancer
    120 – 18 throughout / tapdance
    121 – 19 throughout / tapdancer
    122 – 18 throughput / tapdance
    123 – 19 throughput / tapdancer
    124 – 18 throughput / tendance
    125 – 19 throughput / traducent
    126 – 14 touchpad / danger
    127 – 14 touchpad / donger
    128 – 15 touchpad / dragnet
    129 – 16 touchpad / dragonet
    130 – 19 touchpad / dreadnought
    131 – 19 touchpad / dreadnaught
    132 – 19 touchpaper / regardant
    133 – 18 touchpaper / renegado
    134 – 17 touchpaper / rendang
    135 – 15 upcharge / endnote
    136 – 15 updraught / techno
    137 – 18 updraught / touchtone
    138 – 17 updraught / trecento
    139 – 18 changeout / tapdancer
    140 – 17 changeout / teardrop
    141 – 17 changeout / tetrapod
    142 – 19 dreadnaught / topnotch
    143 – 19 dreadnaught / touchpad
    144 – 21 dreadnaught / touchpaper
    145 – 18 dreadnaught / touchup
    146 – 18 adragant / touchpaper
    147 – 19 anthophore / egerdouce
    148 – 18 autophone / egerdouce
    149 – 14 cuento / odograph
    150 – 17 cuento / odontograph
    151 – 17 dangdut / touchpaper
    152 – 16 generant / touchpad
    153 – 19 onhanger / reproductor
    154 – 15 pandoer / roughcut
    155 – 20 pertechnate / egerdouce
    156 – 22 pertechnetate / egerdouce
    157 – 20 photoproduce / endanger
    158 – 19 photoproduce / endgate
    159 – 18 photoproduce / engage
    160 – 22 photoproduce / ethnagogue
    161 – 22 photoreproduce / endanger
    162 – 21 photoreproduce / endgate
    163 – 20 photoreproduce / engage
    164 – 24 photoreproduce / ethnagogue
    165 – 16 ponceau / updraught
    166 – 17 prechordate / enough
    167 – 21 prechordate / ethnogogue
    168 – 21 prechordate / ethnagogue
    169 – 17 pretendance / enough
    170 – 21 pretendance / ethnogogue
    171 – 21 pretendance / ethnagogue
    172 – 15 producent / taught
    173 – 16 producent / tchagra
    174 – 16 producent / thanage
    175 – 14 producent / thang
    176 – 15 producent / thrang
    177 – 22 producent / thoughtograph
    178 – 20 producent / throughgang
    179 – 20 producent / throughgate
    180 – 17 productor / rechange
    181 – 19 productor / rentcharge
    182 – 19 progenerator / rechaud
    183 – 18 propugnator / rechaud
    184 – 15 pudor / rentcharge
    185 – 18 regenerant / touchpad
    186 – 15 regrant / touchpad
    187 – 19 reproductor / rechange
    188 – 21 reproductor / rentcharge
    189 – 17 reproductor / rhagon
    190 – 16 roughout / tapdance
    191 – 17 roughout / tapdancer
    192 – 19 traducent / throughput
    193 – 22 traducent / thoughtograph

    194 – 17 anecdota* / autograph
    195 – 17 anecdotage / euphroe*
    196 – 17 angophora* / aeroduct*
    197 – 16 cerograph* / handout
    198 – 20 chaetopod* / dreadnaught
    199 – 20 chaetopod* / dreadnought
    200 – 19 chaperon / nongraduate*
    201 – 20 charango / outreproduce*
    202 – 17 choregraph* / handout
    203 – 18 crapaud* / dreadnought
    204 – 22 ctenophoran / nongraduate*
    205 – 17 ctenophore / enguard*
    206 – 15 dognaper* / retouch
    207 – 16 draught / technopop*
    208 – 20 dreadnaught / technopop*
    209 – 18 dreadnaught / toparch*
    210 – 20 dreadnought / technopop*
    211 – 19 dreadnought / tenpence*
    212 – 18 dreadnought / toparch*
    213 – 16 duecento* / odograph
    214 – 19 duecento* / odontograph
    215 – 17 duecento* / ondograph*
    216 – 17 duecento* / orphanage
    217 – 18 duecento* / orthograph*
    218 – 17 gardant* / touchpaper
    219 – 14 gerent* / touchpad
    220 – 14 godparent / teuch*
    221 – 16 godparent / teuchat*
    222 – 17 godparent / teuchter*
    223 – 15 godparent / trouch*
    224 – 14 gonoduct* / tephra
    225 – 14 gonoduct* / teraph
    226 – 14 gonoduct* / threap
    227 – 16 gonoduct* / threaper*
    228 – 18 gonoduct* / touchpaper
    229 – 17 grandparent / trouch*
    230 – 17 guardant / technopop*
    231 – 16 guerdoner* / repatch*
    232 – 20 nongraduate* / echograph
    233 – 17 nongraduate* / eparch
    234 – 20 nongraduate* / eparchate*
    235 – 19 nonpregnant* / touchpad
    236 – 17 nontarget* / touchpad
    237 – 16 outcharge* / endopod
    238 – 17 outcharge* / endpaper
    239 – 18 outecho* / odontograph
    240 – 16 outecho* / ondograph*
    241 – 20 outreproduce* / encharge*
    242 – 17 pechan* / nongraduate*
    243 – 15 pendragon* / nautch
    244 – 20 photoproduct / tangence*
    245 – 20 photoproduct / tetragon*
    246 – 19 photoproduct / tutenag*
    247 – 15 portague* / endarch*
    248 – 17 putonghua / aeroduct*
    249 – 20 rechoreograph* / handout
    250 – 19 throughput / trenchand*
    251 – 19 throughput / trenchard*
    252 – 16 touchpad / dognaper*
    253 – 19 touchpaper / reguerdon*
    254 – 16 touchup / pendragon*
    255 – 18 updraught / technopop*

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