Letter Boxed March 14, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed March 14, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


59 thoughts on “Letter Boxed March 14, 2025 Answers”

          1. You letterboxed nerds got me. What’s OA stand for? I eventually got it but took longer than 5 minutes. I saw Bronze but was intimidating by that UIX lineup.

      1. Bernie Horowitz

        Found the OA quickly enough that I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s another one-off.
        Bronze Exhuming – Lara Croft’s side hustle.

    1. OA in 10 minutes. While working with BRONZING I could see the letters in EXHUME as well, but couldn’t see how the connection would work. But when I switched to EXHUMING it became obvious.


    HERBORIZE* — EXHUMING (HERBORIZE is in the OED, but not accepted by LB)

    Initially played with BRONZER, EXHUME, EXHUMER, and BOXING.

    1. HERBORIZE is good in OED, Merriam-Webster, Collins, Wiktionary and Scrabble UK (SOWPODS). Another ridiculous LB oversight.

    2. It’s difficult trying to communicate effectively when words we all use every day aren’t universally accepted.

    1. “Mr. Scrooge, here’s that lease you wanted me try and forge for you again.”

      “Cratchit, no, this won’t do. It’s too zeroxy, even ZEROXIER than the last one. Do it again!”

      “But, Mr. Scrooge, can’t I do it tomorrow. It’s Christmas.


      “Did you just humbug me?!”


      “Did you just rehumbug me?!”

        1. Oxer is a word? I had ZEROING GUMBO with H X leftover, and HEROIZING GUMBO missing the X, made-up non-word “GUMBOX” for a phony 2w solution, ha… settled for 4w HEROIZING GUN NUMB BOX. Found one more: BOXER REZEROING GUM MEH. The last word says it all!

  2. OA
    And I didn’t have to spend all day on it like I did the last two days to get 2W.

    Why does that aha moment when it clicks, and you realize all the letters come together for the second word, have to be so incredibly brief? It’s such a high.

      1. Bernie Horowitz

        As an OG, in on the creation, I can affirm that OA is shorthand for Official Answer, although LB never calls it that.
        You may also come across TI – that’s short for Thematic Integrity. And ALIOW – At Least It’s Over With.

  3. Very first words I saw were EXHUME and EXHUMING, but I never found BRONZE, and no 3w’s today…ZEROING GUMBO needs H X, REZEROING was ok’d but I couldn’t find a 2nd word to end in R using all the other letters. HEROIZE ok. HEROIZING GUMBO lacked X. BORE EXHUMING needed Z. (made up 2w’s for fun, but they’re not real words: Heroizing “Gumbox”, and Bore “Exhuminizing”)

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