Letter Boxed March 11, 2025 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed March 11, 2025 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


61 thoughts on “Letter Boxed March 11, 2025 Answers”

    1. OA plus a few variations of the second word. Got it almost instantly to put an end to my three day slump of finding only 3 word solutions.

      Jackfruit is a very interesting fruit. It is the world’s largest fruit and weighs several pounds. It grows from the trunk of it’s tree. It has a thick, rough outer skin and the seeds are in individual pods surrounded by the sweet, juicy meat. The seeds can be boiled and eaten and are silar to chestnuts in size and consistency.

      1. Who knew! Thank you for defining JACKFRUIT – I was hellbent on making HIJACK work (with THROUGH or FOURTH but leaving either F or G as the sole unused letter, uggh).

      2. Also a staple in vegan cooking as a meat substitute. One of the most delicious sandwich i have had was a jackfruit banh mi

          1. Jackfruit-Though here as well. Had never heard of a Jackfruit before but there were so few options with the J I just started trying random combos of Jack + other words I’d found. Didn’t take that long to hit on JACKFRUIT… The JACK(pot) as it were.

  1. I can finally say…OA really quickly! It must be super easy. I’m just a bit disappointed I’ve not had the pleasure of the usual rounds of word fabrication.

  2. Jackfruit – Though….took me two minutes, if that….disappointed it was so easy, no yelling and swearing today!


    I have used JACKFRIUT several times and since it gets rid of that pesky J, and only leaves 3 letters, it is usually part of a solve.

    1. And it’s interesting that many have commented on a degree of disappointment when using it for a quick/easy solve. Hence fewer comments than usual? I do like to dip in to all the alternatives but again, these are pretty dull today. Time for LB to ditch the jackfruit.

      1. LB likes JACKFRUIT, BREADFRUIT, and YUZU, and I have used them all multiple times. I don’t think I have tried any of them but I would like to! 🙂

  4. First look, I thought HIJACK would be in there somewhere. I admit that I never heard of JACKFRUIT in my life but I experimented with it and…voila! Made my morning 😃

  5. wondering why folks need to mention how “swiftly “or “quickly “ they found the solution ? ? surely what’s interesting is the combo you find not how many seconds better than everyone else you are . but whatever your ego needs i guess.

    oh . jackfruit /though. about half an hour with one eye on Parks and Rec.

    1. Found OA variation with Jackfruit and Thought rather quickly.
      To offer a response to the query about why people comment on how quickly they solve LB. It is possible a comment referencing a quick solve is an acknowledgement of relief. There are some days when a two-word solution takes way too long, or remains elusive.
      Some also comment on the TI. However, I didn’t see one today.
      Personally, I like all the comments. Its like joining a circle of friends sharing a common interest. Today, I found it interesting that some said this LB puzzle was too easy. I will take easy any day

    2. I get what you’re saying, but I think it might just be more of a thing of people making note of the phenomenon of that moment when the answer just jumps off the page in front of your eyes. I prefer that to the people who post every obscure variation they pulled off a word finder program.

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