Letter Boxed August 23, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed August 23, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


79 thoughts on “Letter Boxed August 23, 2024 Answers”

        1. More of the same: Fib Birthplaces (Obama Certificate again); plus Birthplaces Safari (Obama Certificate again again!) / Safe / Safer / Safest / Sailfish / Saltfish / Scarf / Seafarer / Self / Selfish / Serf / Shaft / Sift, and on and on. Also Afterbirths Scalp (on the placenta black market) and Alpaca Afterbirths (eaten by postpartum alpacas).

    1. Same…
      [ Afterbirths – Scalp ] after almost an hour of wild goose chases.

      Was also close with…
      Prestretch – Half (no BI)
      Replicas – Shaft (no B)

      1. Found some other highly distracting good words…
        • Fastpitch
        • Characteristics
        • Precharacteristics?
        Reptiles, Plastics, Chapters, Fairest, Replasters, Stretch, Practices, Participles, Shafters

    1. Lovely find! I’ve lost my mojo these last couple days, and disappointed that LB won’t accept words like FRACTILE(S) and PREBIBLICAL and there was another perfectly definable word that was not accepted 🙁 came up with CHARACTERISTICS – SHARPER – REBEL

  1. AFTERBIRTHS – SCALP : cradle cap, or vernix?

    FIB – BIRTHPLACES : well… in the Lindo Wing of St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, London; of course.

    1. I hypothesized a placental black market for the former, Obama shenanigans for the latter, but that’s where your expertise in the Royals comes in! (I had to look it up, as I thought at first it had something to do with a certain bear…)

    1. Likewise.


      1. Nice bird list.

        Mammals joining:
        Alpaca, Ape, Bear, Caracal, Ferret, Hare, Harp Seal, Hartebeest, Irish Setter.

        and Fish swimming behind:
        Carp, Electric Eel, Fire Eel, Pipefish, Sailfish, Tetra


        1. I didn’t even see FISH!

          Some obvious ones:
          TILEFISH (they remind me of the fish in Finding Nemo who swim down to save themselves and Dory)

          SELFISH 🙂

      1. I was greatly disappointed at the rejection of Bitch and hence its corollaries Fest and Slap! Is it still supposed to be too risqué for tender readers?

  2. It was hard to pick a favorite from among these, so I list four solutions that struck me. Imaginative themes abound, singly or collectively.


    Good day.


    I had a hard time giving up on CHARACTERISTICS, but the remaining letters just wouldn’t produce a nice word.


    Not sure why you wouldn’t put the S on and make it far easier with SAFE or SIFT, rather than doing ‘Elfish’, which is nice, but inefficient.

  5. It’s not often that I come here *knowing* that my two-word solution is not the OA, but today — no question.


    Even better, I scrolled through the comments and found only one, from Robin (phlebitic – carafes), that uses even a form of PHLEBITIS.

    It’s great to be unique, eh Robin?

  6. Odd that B*TCH is not allowed. But the F word pluralized in Wordle is. The NYT is so odd.


  7. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 18 afebrile / ecphrastic
    2 – 18 afebrile / earthscape
    3 – 19 afebrile / earthscapes
    4 – 16 afterbirths / scalp
    5 – 18 afterbirths / scalpel
    6 – 19 afterbirths / scalpels
    7 – 18 afterbirths / scalper
    8 – 19 afterbirths / scalpers
    9 – 20 afterbirths / sceptical
    10 – 17 afterbirths / schlep
    11 – 19 afterbirths / slipcase
    12 – 20 afterbirths / slipcases
    13 – 17 alpaca / afterbirths
    14 – 15 biface / earthslip
    15 – 15 birthplace / efits
    16 – 14 birthplace / efts
    17 – 16 birthplace / elfish
    18 – 19 birthplace / earthfast
    19 – 17 birthplaces / safari
    20 – 18 birthplaces / safaris
    21 – 15 birthplaces / safe
    22 – 16 birthplaces / safer
    23 – 17 birthplaces / safest
    24 – 16 birthplaces / safes
    25 – 19 birthplaces / sailfish
    26 – 19 birthplaces / saltfish
    27 – 16 birthplaces / scarf
    28 – 16 birthplaces / scifi
    29 – 19 birthplaces / seafarer
    30 – 20 birthplaces / seafarers
    31 – 18 birthplaces / sealift
    32 – 19 birthplaces / sealifts
    33 – 15 birthplaces / self
    34 – 19 birthplaces / selfcare
    35 – 18 birthplaces / selfish
    36 – 18 birthplaces / selfist
    37 – 19 birthplaces / selfists
    38 – 15 birthplaces / serf
    39 – 16 birthplaces / serif
    40 – 16 birthplaces / shaft
    41 – 17 birthplaces / shafts
    42 – 18 birthplaces / shafter
    43 – 19 birthplaces / shafters
    44 – 17 birthplaces / sharif
    45 – 17 birthplaces / shrift
    46 – 18 birthplaces / shrifts
    47 – 15 birthplaces / sift
    48 – 16 birthplaces / sifts
    49 – 17 birthplaces / sifter
    50 – 18 birthplaces / sifters
    51 – 17 birthplaces / stifle
    52 – 18 birthplaces / stifles
    53 – 18 birthplaces / stifler
    54 – 19 birthplaces / stiflers
    55 – 17 birthplaces / strafe
    56 – 18 birthplaces / strafes
    57 – 17 birthplaces / strife
    58 – 18 birthplaces / serific
    59 – 14 birthplaces / stf
    60 – 18 birthplaces / strafer
    61 – 19 birthplaces / strafers
    62 – 16 blepharitis / scarf
    63 – 16 blepharitis / scifi
    64 – 19 blepharitis / selfcare
    65 – 18 blepharitis / serific
    66 – 18 chap / perfectibilist
    67 – 19 chap / perfectibilists
    68 – 20 earthslip / perfectible
    69 – 23 earthslip / perfectibilist
    70 – 24 earthslip / perfectibilists
    71 – 16 fastpitch / halbert
    72 – 17 fastpitch / halberts
    73 – 18 feasible / ecphrastic
    74 – 18 feasible / earthscape
    75 – 19 feasible / earthscapes
    76 – 17 febrile / ecphrastic
    77 – 17 febrile / earthscape
    78 – 18 febrile / earthscapes
    79 – 14 fib / birthplaces
    80 – 14 fibster / raplach
    81 – 16 fleapit / tribrachs
    82 – 17 flipchart / tibiales
    83 – 16 flipchart / trebles
    84 – 15 flipchart / tribes
    85 – 17 flipchart / triblets
    86 – 14 flipcharts / sleb
    87 – 15 flipcharts / slebs
    88 – 17 hap / perfectibilist
    89 – 18 hap / perfectibilists
    90 – 21 harelip / perfectibilist
    91 – 22 harelip / perfectibilists
    92 – 18 harp / perfectibilist
    93 – 19 harp / perfectibilists
    94 – 22 paraphraser / reflectible
    95 – 17 perfectible / earths
    96 – 20 perfectible / earthslip
    97 – 16 perfectible / ecash
    98 – 20 perfectible / ecphrasis
    99 – 20 perfectible / ecphrases
    100 – 21 perfectible / ecphrastic
    101 – 17 perfectible / ephahs
    102 – 17 perfectible / eschar
    103 – 18 perfectible / eschars
    104 – 20 perfectible / earthfast
    105 – 20 perfectible / earthrise
    106 – 21 perfectible / earthrises
    107 – 21 perfectible / earthscape
    108 – 22 perfectible / earthscapes
    109 – 19 phacelia / afterbirths
    110 – 17 phaser / reflectible
    111 – 14 phlebitis / scarf
    112 – 17 phlebitis / selfcare
    113 – 19 phlebitic / cafeterias
    114 – 16 phlebitic / carafes
    115 – 17 phlebitic / carfares
    116 – 18 phlebitic / ceasefire
    117 – 19 phlebitic / ceasefires
    118 – 16 phlebitic / chafers
    119 – 19 plebiscite / earthfast
    120 – 18 plebiscites / shafter
    121 – 19 plebiscites / shafters
    122 – 17 plebiscites / sharif
    123 – 18 plectra / afterbirths
    124 – 16 plica / afterbirths
    125 – 18 replica / afterbirths
    126 – 17 shafter / receptible
    127 – 17 shaper / reflectible
    128 – 16 sharp / perfectible
    129 – 19 sharp / perfectibilist
    130 – 20 sharp / perfectibilists
    131 – 18 sharper / reflectible
    132 – 20 threap / perfectibilist
    133 – 21 threap / perfectibilists
    134 – 20 acephalia / afterbirths
    135 – 18 epicerebral / leftish
    136 – 20 epicerebral / liftshaft
    137 – 21 epicerebral / liftshafts
    138 – 17 factible / earthslip
    139 – 17 factible / ecphrasis
    140 – 17 factible / ecphrases
    141 – 18 factible / ecphrastic
    142 – 18 factible / earthscape
    143 – 19 factible / earthscapes
    144 – 22 paraphrastical / lifebelt
    145 – 23 paraphrastical / lifebelts
    146 – 18 perfectibilist / thai
    147 – 18 perfectibilist / thar
    148 – 19 perfectibilist / thars
    149 – 19 perfectibilist / teach
    150 – 20 perfectibilist / tephra
    151 – 21 perfectibilist / tephras
    152 – 20 perfectibilist / teraph
    153 – 26 perfectibilist / terephthalic
    154 – 24 perfectibilist / tetrastich
    155 – 25 perfectibilist / tetrastichs
    156 – 19 perfectibilist / thale
    157 – 20 perfectibilist / thaler
    158 – 21 perfectibilist / thalers
    159 – 19 perfectibilist / thali
    160 – 20 perfectibilist / thalis
    161 – 20 perfectibilist / thrash
    162 – 20 perfectibilist / threap
    163 – 20 perfectibilist / tirtha
    164 – 21 perfectibilist / tirthas
    165 – 19 perfectibilist / trash
    166 – 22 perfectibilist / tribrach
    167 – 23 perfectibilist / tribrachs
    168 – 23 perfectibilist / teleflash
    169 – 20 perfectibilist / tithal
    170 – 23 perfectibilists / sailfish
    171 – 20 perfectibilists / saith
    172 – 22 perfectibilists / saltish
    173 – 23 perfectibilists / saltfish
    174 – 19 perfectibilists / sash
    175 – 20 perfectibilists / selah
    176 – 21 perfectibilists / seraph
    177 – 22 perfectibilists / seraphs
    178 – 20 perfectibilists / shaft
    179 – 21 perfectibilists / shafts
    180 – 22 perfectibilists / shafter
    181 – 23 perfectibilists / shafters
    182 – 19 perfectibilists / shah
    183 – 20 perfectibilists / shahs
    184 – 20 perfectibilists / shale
    185 – 21 perfectibilists / shales
    186 – 20 perfectibilists / shalt
    187 – 20 perfectibilists / shape
    188 – 21 perfectibilists / shapes
    189 – 21 perfectibilists / shaper
    190 – 22 perfectibilists / shapers
    191 – 22 perfectibilists / sharara
    192 – 23 perfectibilists / shararas
    193 – 20 perfectibilists / share
    194 – 21 perfectibilists / shares
    195 – 21 perfectibilists / sharer
    196 – 22 perfectibilists / sharers
    197 – 21 perfectibilists / sharia
    198 – 22 perfectibilists / shariah
    199 – 21 perfectibilists / sharif
    200 – 20 perfectibilists / sharp
    201 – 22 perfectibilists / sharper
    202 – 23 perfectibilists / sharpest
    203 – 23 perfectibilists / sharpers
    204 – 23 perfectibilists / sharpish
    205 – 20 perfectibilists / shart
    206 – 21 perfectibilists / sharts
    207 – 22 perfectibilists / shastra
    208 – 23 perfectibilists / shastras
    209 – 24 perfectibilists / shtetlach
    210 – 20 perfectibilists / slash
    211 – 23 perfectibilists / sriracha
    212 – 22 perfectibilists / stealth
    213 – 16 periblastic / chafe
    214 – 17 periblastic / chafes
    215 – 17 periblastic / chafer
    216 – 18 periblastic / chafers
    217 – 19 pericerebral / leftish
    218 – 21 pericerebral / liftshaft
    219 – 22 pericerebral / liftshafts
    220 – 21 perichaetial / lifebelts
    221 – 18 periphlebitic / cafes
    222 – 23 periphlebitic / cafeterias
    223 – 20 periphlebitic / carafes
    224 – 21 periphlebitic / carfares
    225 – 22 periphlebitic / ceasefire
    226 – 23 periphlebitic / ceasefires
    227 – 19 periphlebitic / chafes
    228 – 20 periphlebitic / chafers
    229 – 18 periphlebitis / scarf
    230 – 21 periphlebitis / selfcare
    231 – 20 periphlebitises / scarf
    232 – 23 periphlebitises / selfcare
    233 – 22 periphrastical / lifebelt
    234 – 23 periphrastical / lifebelts
    235 – 20 phalarica / afterbirths
    236 – 18 phraser / reflectible
    237 – 17 plebiscitic / chafer
    238 – 18 plebiscitic / chafers
    239 – 18 precerebral / leftish
    240 – 20 precerebral / liftshaft
    241 – 21 precerebral / liftshafts
    242 – 19 receptible / earthfast
    243 – 20 reflectible / earthslip
    244 – 20 reflectible / ecphrasis
    245 – 20 reflectible / ecphrases
    246 – 21 reflectible / ecphrastic
    247 – 17 reflectible / ephahs
    248 – 21 reflectible / earthscape
    249 – 22 reflectible / earthscapes
    250 – 19 reshaper / reflectible

    251 – 19 afebrile / ecphractics*
    252 – 19 afterbirths / sceptral*
    253 – 19 afterbirths / septical*
    254 – 16 becarpet* / tilefish
    255 – 17 becarpets* / sailfish
    256 – 17 becarpets* / saltfish
    257 – 16 becarpets* / selfish
    258 – 15 bepelts* / scarfish*
    259 – 18 beplasters* / scarfish*
    260 – 16 birthplace / eftest*
    261 – 19 birthplaces / safarist*
    262 – 20 birthplaces / safarists*
    263 – 15 birthplaces / saft*
    264 – 17 birthplaces / safter*
    265 – 18 birthplaces / saftest*
    266 – 18 birthplaces / scarfer*
    267 – 19 birthplaces / scarfers*
    268 – 19 birthplaces / scarfish*
    269 – 18 birthplaces / sebific*
    270 – 16 birthplaces / sefer*
    271 – 19 birthplaces / serafile*
    272 – 20 birthplaces / serafiles*
    273 – 18 birthplaces / serfish*
    274 – 14 birthplaces / sif*
    275 – 18 birthplaces / sitfast*
    276 – 19 birthplaces / sitfasts*
    277 – 20 birthplaces / slashfest*
    278 – 21 birthplaces / slashfests*
    279 – 18 birthplaces / strifes*
    280 – 17 birthplaces / strift*
    281 – 18 birthplaces / strifts*
    282 – 21 bitchfest* / terephthalic
    283 – 17 bitchfest* / tetrapla*
    284 – 18 bitchfest* / tetraplas*
    285 – 19 bitchfests* / saltpeter
    286 – 20 bitchfests* / saltpeters*
    287 – 19 bitchfests* / saltpetre
    288 – 20 bitchfests* / saltpetres*
    289 – 17 bitchfests* / scalper
    290 – 18 bitchfests* / scalpers
    291 – 18 bitchfests* / sceptral*
    292 – 18 bitchfests* / sliprail*
    293 – 19 bitchfests* / sliprails*
    294 – 16 blepharitic* / cafes
    295 – 21 blepharitic* / cafeterias
    296 – 18 blepharitic* / cafilas*
    297 – 18 blepharitic* / carafes
    298 – 19 blepharitic* / carfares
    299 – 20 blepharitic* / ceasefire
    300 – 21 blepharitic* / ceasefires
    301 – 18 blepharitic* / chafers
    302 – 17 blepharitic* / chafes
    303 – 17 blepharitic* / chafts*
    304 – 18 blepharitis / scarfer*
    305 – 19 blepharitis / scarfers*
    306 – 19 blepharitis / scarfish*
    307 – 18 blepharitis / sebific*
    308 – 18 blepharitises* / scarf
    309 – 20 blepharitises* / scarfer*
    310 – 21 blepharitises* / scarfers*
    311 – 21 blepharitises* / scarfish*
    312 – 20 blepharitises* / sebific*
    313 – 16 calpa* / afterbirths
    314 – 19 carpalia* / afterbirths
    315 – 18 chapteral* / lifebelts
    316 – 17 chaptrel* / lifebelts
    317 – 16 chaptrels* / sebific*
    318 – 16 epiblastic* / chafer
    319 – 17 epiblastic* / chafers
    320 – 17 epiblasts / scarfish*
    321 – 20 epistilbites* / scarfish*
    322 – 17 faible* / ecphractics*
    323 – 18 feasible / ecphractic*
    324 – 19 feasible / ecphractics*
    325 – 18 febrific* / cephalitis*
    326 – 20 febrific* / cephalitises*
    327 – 16 febrific* / chaplets
    328 – 17 febrific* / chaptrels*
    329 – 18 febrile / ecphractics*
    330 – 14 filberts / scarph*
    331 – 15 filberts / scarphs*
    332 – 16 flipchart / terbias*
    333 – 17 flipchart / terebras*
    334 – 17 flipcharts / sebific*
    335 – 18 flipcharts / stilbite*
    336 – 19 flipcharts / stilbites*
    337 – 15 frib* / birthplaces
    338 – 15 lifebelts / scarph*
    339 – 16 lifebelts / scarphs*
    340 – 21 perfectibilist / terefah*
    341 – 26 perfectibilist / tetrastichal*
    342 – 18 perfectibilist / thae*
    343 – 19 perfectibilist / thrae*
    344 – 22 perfectibilist / threaper*
    345 – 23 perfectibilist / threapers*
    346 – 22 perfectibilist / threapit*
    347 – 21 perfectibilist / trachle*
    348 – 22 perfectibilist / trachles*
    349 – 20 perfectibilist / trefah*
    350 – 22 perfectibilist / triphase*
    351 – 21 perfectibilists / saiths*
    352 – 21 perfectibilists / scaith*
    353 – 22 perfectibilists / scaiths*
    354 – 23 perfectibilists / scarfish*
    355 – 21 perfectibilists / scarph*
    356 – 22 perfectibilists / scarphs*
    357 – 21 perfectibilists / scarth*
    358 – 22 perfectibilists / scarths*
    359 – 21 perfectibilists / selahs*
    360 – 18 perfectibilists / sha*
    361 – 23 perfectibilists / shariahs*
    362 – 22 perfectibilists / sharias*
    363 – 20 perfectibilists / shash*
    364 – 22 perfectibilists / shaster*
    365 – 23 perfectibilists / shasters*
    366 – 25 perfectibilists / shtetelach*
    367 – 21 perfectibilists / slahal*
    368 – 22 perfectibilists / slahals*
    369 – 24 perfectibilists / slashfest*
    370 – 25 perfectibilists / slashfests*
    371 – 24 perfectibilists / srirachas*
    372 – 23 perfectibilists / stealths*
    373 – 24 perfectibilists / sticharia*
    374 – 23 perfectibilists / straicht*
    375 – 25 perfectibilists / straichter*
    376 – 26 perfectibilists / straichtest*
    377 – 20 perfectible / earthpeas*
    378 – 19 perfectible / earthset*
    379 – 20 perfectible / earthsets*
    380 – 22 perfectible / ecphractics*
    381 – 16 perfectible / ephas*
    382 – 18 perfectible / eriachs*
    383 – 17 perfectible / ethals*
    384 – 18 periblasts / scarfish*
    385 – 19 pharisaical* / lifebelt
    386 – 20 pharisaical* / lifebelts
    387 – 16 phlebitis / scarfer*
    388 – 17 phlebitis / scarfers*
    389 – 17 phlebitis / scarfish*
    390 – 16 phlebitises* / scarf
    391 – 18 phlebitises* / scarfer*
    392 – 19 phlebitises* / scarfers*
    393 – 19 phlebitises* / scarfish*
    394 – 19 plebiscites / scarfish*
    395 – 18 prebiblical* / leftish
    396 – 16 sebific* / chapteral*
    397 – 15 sebific* / chaptrel*
    398 – 16 sebific* / chaptrels*

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