Letter Boxed January 14, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 14, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


49 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 14, 2024 Answers”

      1. Cumquat Takeovers worked
        I spelled it with a c instead of k because I didn’t know any better and it accepted it

        I guess this is for if cumquat trees are invasive

    1. Someone needs to explain to me how “stockmarket” is an acceptable compound word when Letter Boxed so often disallows compound words

      1. I think you came across another “reverse exception”, a word that is LB worthy, but for some reason is not a PSW. Same for “quackster”.

        1. LB accepting QUAVERS and QUACKERS (the latter of which isn’t even accepted by the box I’m typing this message into) made me smile. It wouldn’t accept QUAKERS, though. While it can be a proper noun, it doesn’t have to be.

        2. Hey Mark!
          I’m a newbie to this website so I don’t know all the acronyms – LB is obviously LetterBoxed but what is PSW?
          Not Password, I think.

    2. I had all of three of these – Overstock Kumquats (a high-end grocer’s dilemma. The solution didn’t require the final S, but it improved the TI); Makeover Racquets (mending is better than ending); and Quavers Stockmarket (as my retirement accounts demonstrate).

      1. Hey Bernie – this is mcbee. I also got Makeover – Racquets

        I’m a newbie to this website so I don’t know all the acronyms – LB is obviously LetterBoxed but what is TI? Is that a Scrabble score?
        Also, if you know, what is a PSW?

    They should be, as there’s no room for inauthenticity here.
    Interestingly, “quackster” is accepted in LB but it’s not a PSW.

    If they can overcome a starquake, they deserve to stay in the galaxy.

    Good LB day, not overly plentiful, but still thought provoking.

    1. Not overly plentiful? There are at least 6 answers people have found besides the OA. And several more available I suspect. I think this is very plentiful 😊

    1. Here as well. Wasn’t surprised when my first stab at SQUAM wasn’t accepted and couldn’t make SQUAMOUS but it led me to the dictionary and found SQUAMATE: a reptile of the large order Squamata ; a snake, lizard, or worm lizard. YES! Love learning.

    1. I was starting to think I was the only one who found MAKEOVER – RACQUETS 😆 The words in this solution are certainly among the least “unusual” words so I’m surprised this answer isn’t more popular!

  2. I wanted it to be quavers and smokestack, but then it was quavers and stockmarket and I’m not arguing. Happy to be a winner.

    I would have gotten to kumquat in about an hour.

  3. Another MAKEOVER – RACQUETS for me, and was surprised it wasn’t OA (though KUMQUAT is definitely a more Ezerskyian pick 😡).

  4. OA today… once I saw OVERSTOCK I figured it was the OA because of the editors preference for compound words that he likes (and thus are accepted)

  5. It seems like everyone has guessed all the 2 word combos. So I’m sending this list out early.

    Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 16 cumquat / takeovers
    2 – 16 makeover / racquets
    3 – 16 overstock / kumquat
    4 – 17 overstock / kumquats
    5 – 18 overstocks / squamate
    6 – 18 quavers / stockmarket
    7 – 19 quavers / stockmarkets
    8 – 19 overcomers / starquake
    9 – 15 quackster / remove
    10 – 16 quackster / remover
    11 – 17 quackster / removers
    12 – 20 quaverers / stockmarket
    13 – 21 quaverers / stockmarkets

    14 – 17 marsquake / evocate*
    15 – 17 overstocks / squama*
    16 – 17 overstocks / squame*
    17 – 17 quaverers / stomack*
    18 – 18 quaverers / stomacks*
    19 – 15 quavers / stomack*
    20 – 16 quavers / stomacks*
    21 – 19 quercetum* / makeovers

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