Letter Boxed January 05, 2024 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed January 05, 2024 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


51 thoughts on “Letter Boxed January 05, 2024 Answers”

  1. FRIEZE – EXEUNT – TABLE. Will be interested to see if there’s a two word solution that doesn’t use an -IZE or related spelling, so valid for us Brits!

    1. I think you’re right Steve. 🙂
      Besides FERTILIZE and FERTILIZABLE, the only other combo I’m seeing is:
      INFANTILIZE—EXURB (and EXURBIA, etc…), but it still has the IZE ending

        1. I think growing up, we would have called it (the exurbs) the countryside. I can’t find anything online that makes a clear distinction between the two for me.

          1. I wondered about the difference too. Maybe it’s shift in focus. If your default is country(ish), then a concentration of people stands out: urban. But Exurb (and Suburb) start with the idea of a city at the center.

          2. When I lived in Princeton, NJ, people routinely referred to it as an exurb for New York and Philadelphia, because an astonishing number of people commuted all the way into those cities for work on a daily basis. But it was a separate community, not physically attached to either, and therefore not a suburb.

          3. DW, now that would justify Exurb’s usefulness and makes sense: not just “beyond the suburbs” but a feeder town into an even larger metropolitan area.

    1. Same here. What’s funny is that I worked with FERTILIZE and FERTILIZER for a long time and couldn’t get the solve. When I switched to INFANTLILIZE I got to EXURBAN right away.

  2. OA for me. I also recognised EXURBAN from a previous puzzle and remember feeling annoyed at the time that I didn’t like the word. (Not used in British English. 🤨) Tried to make ELIXIR work. Also FLEXIBLE.

  3. OA. Saw Exurban right off, having learned it, like others, from LB. The one I wanted to work was Luxuriant but wasn’t seeing its partner.

  4. I had been sitting on urbanize and infantile both and I was struggling to even find any other words.

    I did get there though. I got INFANTILIZE-EXURB I was going to be exurban, but rememebered exurb was a word.

  5. Infantilize-Exurb. Fastest I’ve ever gotten a two word solution. Took me until today to get yesterday’s and then got this in under a minute. You are a fickle foe, Letter Boxed!

  6. Found the longer EXURBANITE first but then found the OA. Spent a while on LUXURIANT and INFLEXIBLE. My ability to solve these seems to be tied to be willingness to give up my attachments to early finds that don’t pan out quickly!

  7. OA, fairly quickly, after entirely missing out on playing yesterday. This one is greatly limited by the presence of Z and X and the absence of E. At least they didn’t throw in J, K, or Y!

  8. Jill reports that she has been “locked out of the clubhouse yet again for the past couple of days,” so she has asked me to post this poem, drawn from yesterday’s array:


    Moonlit in the Arctic sandpit
    Lunatics Antarctic bound,
    Sail past the tundra’s river spawn,
    Past the culprits, Dadaist-drawn:
    A cultist’s pulpit, a Darwinian crawl;
    Purist naiad, in rustic sprawl,
    A Tsarist’s stunt, a Spaniard’s drawl,
    A patrician critic’s lazy scrawl
    In paint, patinaed on a wall.
    Slow, a sound in glow of dawn,
    The Beagle`w spirit’s drastic groan
    Curtails the anguish, sees it gone.

    The sails usurp, uncurl, unwind,
    First to wind on wisps of air;
    Then wails an ultra-supplicant,
    Sunward on tailwinds, a runic star.

    *Almost all words are from the Jan 4 array.

  9. I got stuck on… Just call me Inflexible. 😄
    I have to keep reminding myself Americans use Z where us Aussies and Brits use S. We buy Fertiliser. I knew that though, so no excuses really

  10. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 16 fertilize / exurban
    2 – 19 fertilize / exurbanite
    3 – 18 fertilizable / exeunt
    4 – 20 fertilizable / exultant
    5 – 19 fertilizable / exurban
    6 – 22 fertilizable / exurbanite
    7 – 16 infantilize / exurb
    8 – 18 infantilize / exurban
    9 – 21 infantilize / exurbanite
    10 – 18 infantilize / exurbia

    11 – 19 fabulize* / exurbanite
    12 – 20 unfazable* / exurbanite

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