Letter Boxed December 30, 2023 Answers

Here are the Letter Boxed December 30, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest trying to solve the game on your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


49 thoughts on “Letter Boxed December 30, 2023 Answers”

  1. I got it, but I definitely wasn’t attacking it correctly at first. I was for certain it was BEJEWEL, but that just left so many terrible letters.

  2. Apparently I just forgot to play yesterday! No wonder I seemed to have more time for tasks than usual…
    An easy solve today- Js always narrow the field, and when you throw in C, B and Y….
    I’ve learned not to think any OA is a one-off, or I would think so here. Good TI for an OA, at least. Because really, Who?

  3. Has anyone else had this experience? Toying around for a minute or two, getting distracted, doing something else, and then, out of nowhere, the solution pops into your head when you aren’t even looking at the puzzle? That was me today, and not for the first time. 🤔

    1. Absolutely, DW. I also arrive at solutions to various problems during sleep (reportedly so did out-of-my league Einstein and Edison). The brain works in mysterious ways….

    2. That’s my usual. If I don’t get the two-word solution during AM coffee, I try to get a good working memory of the letters (and their layout on the grid) and ‘spin my wheels’ while doing other tasks. Quite often, I’ll come up with something while driving to work.

    3. Dw i often see if i can get a quick solve in before bed. If not i will often dream words and very occasionally wake up with a solve.

    1. Same here. OA. Not too long spent but awhile with BEJEWEL too. Almost settled for 4w: (Hive-Eject-Towel-Lowboy) but then Eject led to Object which quickly got me OBJECTIVELY and then WHO right away.

  4. The Letters of Lavender

    I was using pen and paper today. I scribbled the suffix CTIVELY. I never bothered to pursue it persistently. Also, I forgot trying it on the site on the phone. Maybe I would notice OBJE-…

  5. Almost always. If I don’t see an answer quickly, I go for a 3-word solution. When I come back later, a 2- word match often pops right up. I think of the process as absorbtion, incubation, solution.

  6. OA in a minute (for a change). Now what am I going to do with my free time?

    Really, it’s not the winning that’s fun; it’s the playing.

  7. OA in a couple minutes as well. Started with EJECT then quickly cascaded through OBJECT, OBJECTIVE, OBJECTIVELY, and smiled when I saw the leftovers.

  8. Here is the full list including Scrabble words:

    ** Don’t look at the list if you haven’t finished solving the puzzle **

    (The first number is a count and the second number is the number of letters used)

    1 – 16 howto / objectively
    2 – 14 who / objectively

    3 – 19 bobwhite / ejectively*
    4 – 17 howbe* / ejectively*
    5 – 16 whio* / objectively

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