Letter Boxed September 12, 2023 Answers

Here there are Letter Boxed September 12, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.

Sides of this Letter Box are:


The answers are:


51 thoughts on “Letter Boxed September 12, 2023 Answers”

    Not sure why I didn’t see MILEAGES to pair with SCURVY. CURSIVE was the first decent word I found, but I couldn’t complete with it. Wonder if I’d ever have come up with MYALGIC.

    Neat board. Not too easy.

    1. I found SCURVY but no matches for it. Ran out of time and went with MAGIC -CURVES-SLAY for a smile. I didn’t realize there’s a “shapewear” company called Magic Curves until afterwards.πŸ˜„

  2. Hrm, I feel like I’m living in a Twilight Zone episode because my puzzle is different. I don’t want to post my solution because I don’t know where the incongruency lies, but my letters are:
    LRC – EGK – HIB – NTA.

    Did the old puzzle get pulled for some reason?

    1. Halter Rebacking, when you have trouble driving your horse?

      Glad this second chance game came up after missing Myalgic Curves. Two LBs a day now?

      1. Lither rebacking for me. I think they change the puzzle when people can spell offensive terms that they did not notice when posting. At least that is my theory

  3. I did both puzzles today. The first took a bit longer, but wasn’t bad (I didn’t comment because my solution wasn’t unique and I had nothing interesting to say about it). The second was a snap, and a while lot more fun! My favourite solution: LINEBACKING – GIRTH, which more or less sums up what the pandemic has given me.

  4. Weird. I had the one here solved here this morning, then the β€˜k’ one just now. Didn’t get the chance to solve the first, but for the second, I offer you HEARTBREAKING-GLITCH. Yes, could just have been BREAKING…

  5. Huh, I got the first puzzle this morning (and decidedly failed to get the solution), then got the second one just now and found HACKABLE EARTHLING pretty quickly. I wonder if they are looking at how engagement differs between puzzles of varying difficulty.

  6. For whatever reason, I’ve gotten the Myalgic Cursive puzzle two days running (9/12 and 9/13) and never got the one they’re showing today (on 9/13) as Yesterday’s (9/12). So I’ve been cheated out of a puzzle, and even if they somehow exchange today’s for yesterday’s missing puzzle, I’ve already seen the OA. Sigh.

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