Here there are Letter Boxed September 05, 2023 Answers from New York Times Games. Our solutions and answers are 100% valid and accurate. We suggest to try and solve the game by your own before using the help of our website.
Sides of this Letter Box are:
The answers are:
where’s the tropy?
_ _ _ _ _a_ _
Clue: a number
I will reveal the answer when someone ‘figures it out’,
Bull’s eye,
not oooh.
but ahhh.
i’m impressed.
don’t hve a’
ksz kisz ramanathan
are you na?
ratanachai uttz. 💜🤍🧡🤎
OA, and most likely a singular solution.
Hey, twin.
Hey, nephew.
We’ve met here. Hm.
16/4 symmetric quads
OA as well… 3 hours later.
Official. I got adjoint first. I am glad i looked for a word that ends in a after a t- starting word didn’t work
everytime i found adjoint in the previous litterboxed, nothing follows.
I got Adjoint right away but didn’t see a linkup either fore or aft. 🙁
OA after reluctantly giving up on HIJINKS and AUTOBAHN
My thoughts exactly! Terrible waste of Hijinks…
Another day of leaving it with a threebie: Hijabs – Sudoku – Unit.
Nope. Found KUDOS and ABSINTH.
Welp, my 36-day winning streak comes to an end with BABUSHKA. Sad thing is I had a feeling pretty early on I’d be sunk by some obscure loan word, but still wasted hours looking for any solution. HIJINKS seemed so close, but ABOUT, ABOUND, SOUND, SUNBATH, SOUTHBOUND, all came up short (I had high hopes for SOUNDBATH being an obscure pair, but no dice). Tried multiple times to find a pair for ADJOINT/ADJOINS/DISJOINT, but never thought of…BABUSHKA.
Excuse me while I go work on my Sam Ezersky voodoo doll… 👿
babUshka sounds like a Visayan slang
I did manage this one, but just barely.
The three problematic letters were B, J, and K, and took me some time to figure out that both J-&-K words and B-&-J words were unlikely. That left me thinking of B-K words. If the B were word-initial, a vowel would follow (as there was no L, no R). After scoring Babushka, ADJOINT was a shot in the dark.
Shout out to my man BAKHTIN!
is your bakhtin fat?
Failed today. Tried long and hard to make HIJINKS work and also disappointed that SOUNDBATH wasn’t accepted. Oh well. I’ll take one of those Ezersky voodoo dolls as well 🙂
I spent time with HIJINKS too.
And disappointed to find that SHISH KABOB was not a single word.
Yikes! Good for the ones who got it!
Top job those who got it!
Jojobas looked nice, got nowhere. Tasks Subjoins Shod was my lame best 🙁
Missing many of the old friends including SOTA